René Andioc was right: the Continuación del Semanario de Salamanca (1800)


This article resolves one of the «historical-literary enigmas» that René Andioc posed in an article in 1992. There existed some suspicion that the Semanario de Salamanca, a publication that was thought to have ended in 1798(no issues were known after that date), had in fact continued to publish, since clues suggested that an article related to Moratín had appeared in a later issue of that same newspaper. Here, we reveal the existence of three copies of a Continuación del Semanario de Salamanca (January to June, 1800; one of them having a different length from the other two), where on April 19 we find a response, signed by «P. Ozerín-Jáuregui y Z.» to the Examen in which Cristóbal Cladera had criticized the translation of Moratín’s Hamlet.
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Álvarez De Miranda, P. (2012). René Andioc was right: the Continuación del Semanario de Salamanca (1800). Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 12, 197–203. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pedro Álvarez De Miranda

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Edif. Facultad Filosofia y Letras Módulo IV / Despacho 313. Campus de Cantoblanco, c/ Fco. Tomas y Valiente 1 28049 Madrid