The last versification of Jovellanos« El delincuente honrado»: a literary controversy by Andrés Muriel during the decline of Neoclasicism


This essay analyzes the details of an almost unknown literary controversy: the one that confroted Andrés Muriel and José González de la Cruz (with the secretary of State Mariano Urquijo as arbitrator) in 1800. González dared to versity the famous Jovellanos play El delincuente honrado, a nerved that Muriel (a young university professor) considered an attack against Neoclassic precepto (prevailing in those days).
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Calvo Maturana, A. (2012). The last versification of Jovellanos« El delincuente honrado»: a literary controversy by Andrés Muriel during the decline of Neoclasicism. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 11, 119–140. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonio Calvo Maturana

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante, Dpto. Humanidades Contemporaneas, AP. de correos, 99 - 03080, Alicante (España)