Two Approaches to Cesare Barbabianca’s L’assonto amoroso in difesa delle donne (1593): Textuality and Method


In this essay, a double approach to Cesare Barbabianca’s L’assonto amoroso in difesa delle donne, pubished in Treviso in 1593, is proposed. Firstly, the historical context will be studied, according to the biography of the author, and comparing the different printed versions of the same work. Then, a semiotic analysis on the expression and the content of the text will be proposed, to give some interpretations of Barbabianca’s work in the major context of the Women Question, and into the minor sphere of the Veneto Dispute.
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Broullón-Lozano, M. A. (2020). Two Approaches to Cesare Barbabianca’s L’assonto amoroso in difesa delle donne (1593): Textuality and Method. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 14, 101–112. Retrieved from


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