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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha enviado previamente a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al / a la editor/a).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines

Papers sent for publication should be unpublished, refer to topics in lexicography or lexicology in Latin or from Late Antiquity, and be written in Spanish, French, English, Italian or German. Papers that have simultaneously been sent for publication to any other journal or publication will not be accepted.

Two copies of the paper must be sent: one on DIN-A4 paper, the other in electronic format (sent by written in MS Word in 12 point New Times Roman Font.

All texts in Latin should appear in italics:


E.g. The concept of patientia is well represented in the following passage by Cicero (Catil. 1, 1): Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra.


Textual quotes in languages other than Latin should be in Roman type and set between quotation marks.

Likewise, for reasons of graphic homogeneity, the phoneme u in Latin texts should always be written in Latin texts as u for the small letter and as V for the capital letter.


E.g. Viuamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus.


The abbreviations used to refer to Latin authors and works should follow the Index librorum scriptorum inscriptionum of D. Krömer. The abbreviations used to refer to periodicals should follow the style of L’année philologique for the Classical era and the Latin Middle Ages and that of the Medioevo Latino for abbreviations concerning the Middle Ages.

Papers should be no longer than 30 pages, although exceptionally longer works will be accepted. An abstract of 6 or 7 lines in the same language as the paper should be included, as well as an abstract in English of similar length. (See


The paper must include the following information on a separate page: title of the article (in the language the article is written in and in English), name and surnames of the author, complete postal address, telephone and e-mail, academic information (degree and University where it was obtained, professional category and place of work) (See


References should conform to the following examples (although Harvard style is also accepted) always at the end of the article (See


Monographs: MAZZARINO, Santo, La fine del mondo antico. Le cause della caduta dell’impero romano, Milano, Bur, 1995.

Journal article: CODOÑER, Carmen, «Sermo y sus adjetivaciones», Voces 12-13, 2001-2002, 11-23.

Contribution to a monograph: RAMOS GUERREIRA, Agustín, «Literatura técnica de la época republicana», in Codoñer, Carmen (ed.), Historia de la literatura latina, Madrid, Cátedra, 1997, pp. 755-772.

 Papers should be sent to:


David Paniagua Aguilar (Redacción de Voces) <> o <>

Dpto. Filología Clásica e Indoeuropeo. Facultad de Filología - Universidad de Salamanca Plaza de Anaya, 1 - 37001 Salamanca (España)

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