«Confession» and «Nicodemo Fariseo»: a comparative study


Unamuno acknowledges the lasting impression left on him through his reading of Tolstoy, who he recognised as being of a similar spirit, as Unamuno’s own words indicate the influence of Tolstoy’s ideas amongst all his readers: «And Tolstoy, the great egoist according to the lesser egoist, the lavish promoter of his own being, has left that to us. He has left us his being, which is our being, of each one of us who read his works, his acts, and it enriches our being» (4:1395, The Egoism of Tolstoy). The objective of this archive is to analyse the convergent ideas in the religious thinking of both writers in the Confession by Tolstoy and Nicodemus Fariseus by Unamuno. The religious ideas of Tolstoy and Unamuno, which are linked to their personalities and actions will also be analysed.
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Author Biography

Anna Hamling

University of New Brunswick
Department of Culture and Language Studies. University of New Brunswick. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB (Canada)