Tolstoy’s attitude towards Orthodox church and Unamuno’s


ABSTRACT: It would be difficult to find in world literature anyone who fought as much al Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) and Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) to awaken in their readers their own anguish and who was involved in such an intense verbal an active protest against the dogmatism of the Russian Orthodox church and Roman Catholic Spanish church respectively. Unamuno admits the very vivif impression that Tolstoy’s works left on him; he feels that the Russian writer has a kindred spirit to his. In a letter to his friend, Federico Urales, Unamuno states that: «Tolstoy has been one of these souls that has had a big impact on mine – his works have left a deep imprint on my writings» (García Blanco, 489). The analysis of the position of both writers towards their respective churches, and rejection of many dogmas, reveals the converging attitudes of both writers in their religious thought despite thirty-year span thet separates them in time and space.
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Author Biography

Anna Hamling

University of New Brunswick
Department of Culture and Language Studies. University of New Brunswick. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB (Canada)