Miguel de Unamuno, socialista journalist in the press of Salamanca


ABSTRACT: Our purpose is to show the part played by Miguel de Unamuno in the newspapers in Salamanca between 1891 and 1902. Among the eighty articles published in those year, we have chosen to study six of them, which had remained unpublished till now. Those articles written in the begenning of 1892 deal with the socialist movement. We have tried to analise Unamuno's behaviour in front of socialism at that time, and to study what some experts like Diego Núriez and Pedro Ribas have said about the same question. Throught those articles, we can realize Miguel de Unamuno was deeply involved in workers' fights in Bilbao or in Vizcaya in 1890-1891. Those events made his "socialist propaganda" stronger. The journalist refused to give a strict definition of socialism. He was all for an "open socialism", which was the result of his readings and own experience. All that had led him to citicize universal suffrage, national sovereignty, bourgeois society and Republicans. In an appendix, we have quoted the list of the articles written by Miguel de Unamuno in Salamanca newspapers and we have chosen to publish 22 of them.
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Author Biography

Jean-Claude Rabaté

Universidad de la Sorbonne Nouvelle
Lengua y Literatura Española 34, rue Origet 3 7000 Tours (Francia)