Politics and Poetry by Miguel de Unamuno in «Cancionero»


Unamuno published during his six year exile, two poetry compilations and wrote the majority of Cancionero. All three works comprehend a large number of political poems. However there where his political intentions in Fuerteventura a París and Romancero del destierro are in first position, easily recognizable and known by any one, in Cancionero it concerns more discreet compositions whose political scope remained hidden –this is, ignored by the censorship when it came to be published for the first and second time in Spain– and where in the political message is pushed into the background, well behind concerns of expression. Thirty three poems have been decoded.
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Author Biography

Josse de Kock

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Oude Markt 13. Bus 5005 3000 Leuven (Bélgica)