Brazilian Amazon: occupation and socio-environmental policies


This Dossier, entitled Amazonia: Cultura, Educación y Memoria, is the second part of the collection of texts that began with the Dossier Amazonia Brasileña: ocupación y políticas socioambientales en la transición de los siglos XX al XXI. This edition brings together five articles that discuss the experiences, imaginary and cultural expressions of traditional and indigenous peoples. Worldviews that express the specificities and diversity of knowledge, practices and resistance of social groups representative of the Amazonian populations are transparent. Worldviews, belongings and social representations are described, as well as the disruptions caused by the transformations imposed by "progress". The authors of this Dossier provide a plunge into the lives of communities and peoples and a small immersion in worldviews that form the cultural multiverses of the Amazon. They also show that the history of the region is taught by narratives that ignore existences and places (place without a place), generalize and homogenize the region, reduced to the perceptions of the colonizers.
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Nonata Monteiro, R. ., do Espírito Santo Iadanza, E. ., & Martins Lastres, H. M. (2021). Brazilian Amazon: occupation and socio-environmental policies. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 8(16), 119–121.

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Author Biographies

Raimunda Nonata Monteiro

Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará
Professor at Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (UFOPA, Brazil).

Enaile do Espírito Santo Iadanza

Universidade de Brasília
Professor at Núcleo de Estudos Amazônicos. Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares da Universidade de Brasília (UnB, Brazil).

Helena Maria Martins Lastres

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Professor at Instituto de Economia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IE, UFRJ, Brazil). Coordinator at RedeSist.