Body, resistance and gender: an analysis of the testimony of María Amélia de Almeida from the gender theory


This article is part of a wider investigation whose objective is to interpret the testimonies of the Latin American political prison of women from a feminist theory to establish new parameters for an understanding and configuration of women as active political and social subjects in history. In this case, I will analyze the testimony of Maria Amélia de Almeida from Brazil, understanding this text as a valid space of declaration of a to the limit-experience, originated from the exchange of subjective experiences that will reaffirm this woman as a political subject placed in a context of a prison, violence and transgression. Thus, this survivor will expose how gender, being a social structure, builds unequal relationships and legitimizes differences, not only in the political participation of the party itself, but also –and above all– in the repression suffered, where we will be focusing on how the psychological dimension of sexual tortures also acquire a particular gender character.
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Consuelo Díaz Muñoz

Universidad de Santiago
Master's degree in Latin American Art, Thought and Culture from the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Santiago (Santiago, Chile).