Mushrooms as Food Habits of Yanomami Indians - Knowledge Associated with Science, Preservation and Defense of the Amazonian Forest


Sanuma, O. I., & Tokimoto, K. et al. (2016). Sanöma samakönö sama tökö nii pewö ao wi ? tökö waheta: anaamopö = Enciclopédia dos alimentos Yanomami (sanöma): cogumelos. São Paulo: Instituto Socioambiental. Based on the work Sanoma samakono sama toko nii pewo ao wi i toko waheta: anaamopo = Encyclopedia of Yanomami (san?ma) foods: mushrooms, this review aims to analyze the studies on edible mushrooms consumed by the Yan?ma indigenous group belonging to the Yanomami ethnic group, other knowledge developed by the Indians, such as the systematic management of the field, fundamental for the preservation and defense of the Amazon forest. The importance of the work is established by the revelation of an unusual food knowledge of the Indians that are mushrooms, associated with scientific knowledge, being awarded the Jabuti Prize in 2017, in the Gastronomy category. It is a bilingual production in the San?ma and Portuguese language, and the research counts on the partnership between san?ma teachers and several research institutions. In this context, Noêmia Kazue Ishikawa and Keisuke Tokimoto played a fundamental role acting as researchers and mediators, whose result is the work to be reviewed.
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Author Biography

Linda Midori Tsuji Nishikido

Universidade de São Paulo
Master’s degree from the graduate program in Japanese Language, Literature and Culture at USP.