Paths and stories of immigrants in Brazil intersected in a book


Hirano, S. & Tucci Carneiro, M. L. (Orgs.) (2016). Histórias Migrantes – caminhos cruzados. São Paulo: Humanitas/Fapesp. 380 páginas.Histórias migrantes – Caminhos cruzados (São Paulo: Humanitas/FAPESP, 2016) is a collection of 18 essays on the topic of migration and the Brazilian multi-ethnic background written by both Brazilian and foreign researchers. The book is organized by Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro and Sedi Hirano, both professors at the University of São Paulo, and is part of the project Arquivo Virtual - Histórias Migrantes (Virtual Archive - Migrant Stories), funded by The State of Sao Paulo Research Agency (Fapesp). It also celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Laboratory for Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination Studies (LEER/USP), held in 2016.
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Marcolini, A. (2018). Paths and stories of immigrants in Brazil intersected in a book. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 5(10), 219–222.


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Author Biography

Adriana Marcolini

Universidade de São Paulo
PhD in Letters from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP, Brazil). Researcher at the Laboratory for Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination Studies (LEER, USP).