Coalitional presidentialism in Brazil: mapping the debate and directions to a new research agenda


The aim of this paper is to present the current state of the art of one of the most important concepts of Brazilian political science: coalitional presidentialism. We want to provide an overview about the different stages of this concept and present the main discussions between Brazilian and foreign authors that have been taken from the literature regarding the subject. Ultimately, we will point out some of the issues that seem to demand answers from scholars during recent times. Consequently, we hope to contribute to the renewal of research on coalitional presidentialism, focusing on the political costs for the management of this government strategy, which contributed to democratic stability to multiparty presidential countries in the last two decades.
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Author Biographies

Vinícius Silva Alves

Universidade de Brasília
Doctoral student in Political Science at the University of Brazil (UnB, Brazil).

Denise Paiva

Universidade Federal de Goiás
Doctor in Political Science at the USP. Professor of the graduate programa at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG, Brazil).