Analysis and Implementation of Strategies to Prevent or Mitigate Cognitive ‘Contamination’ in the Collection, Analysis and Interpretation of Forensic-Scientific Evidence in Criminal Proceedings


During the obtaining, analysis and interpretation of scientific-forensic evidence in a judicial procedure, cognitive biases always intervene. These affect the decisions that lead to the imposition of a sentence that may have nothing to do with the truth of what happened and be the opposite of what is intended to be fair. There are numerous studies that define cognitive biases, how they act on experts and inexperienced people, and describe how they have affected numerous judicial procedures, leading to the release of hundreds of people who have been unjustly imprisoned. Implementing standardized measures and procedures that reduce them can help ensure that the price that has to be paid for a judicial error is not so high. Biases are unconscious and inherent to human beings, knowing their sources and origin allows us to understand what factors can influence the decisions of experts who try to clarify a truth that only an author, a victim or a rare witness knows time they tell the same story. It is possible to minimize its effects. There are strategies that try to prevent biases from influencing the decisions of experts, decisions that, until recently, were thought to be the result of logical, scientific and legal reasoning. In this work, many measures are listed that scientific literature proposes to achieve this, oriented towards experts, their environment and intervening in all stages of the research to achieve legitimacy and the desired legal protection. It is very difficult to gather so many sciences into one, forensic science, and apply it taking into account the psychological factors of the individual, which seem infinite.
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