Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Ways of Representing Aging and Old Age in Almodóvar's Cinema


Our study starts with an analysis of the elderly characters in the twenty-two films by Pedro Almodóvar. The initial data are revealing. Older people appear in 14 films, with a total of twenty-five older secondary characters, to which we add four scenes with a group of older people as well. Age is not portrayed as a problem in his films, but there are characters in their third and fourth age who present, like his characters of other ages, very marked characteristics. The most recognizable characters are older women of rural origin who live in the city and who have a quirky behavior. There is ageism in the comparison between men and women in social, work, and sexual relationships. But the most significant aspect is that Almodóvar’s elders also belong to the universe created by the director and supported by three pillars: the sociological reality of Spain during the dictatorship, some personal experiences that are manifested from an emotional approach and a construction of characters built from Spanish costumbrismo and the grotesque.
  • Referencias
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