Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The model of television in Pedro Almodóvar. Cinema vs. Televisión


In this paper we analyze the TV model presented by Pedro Almodóvar in his filmography. Of the eighteen movies, but three, all contain, one way or another, a reference to TV in a critical sense. Through the analysis of all his films, we observe the way in which TV appears and focus on four models or functions of the TV in his work. The first one has to do with the viewing mode, which we have named “domestic model”. A second function, which we will call “realistic”, is one which means that only what appears on screen exists, but Almodóvar desecrates reality through parody. A third model is a critique of so-called junk televisión. Finally, a fourth function is the presence of other films through the TV screen to establish an intertextual relationship with a narrative purpose.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
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Gómez Gómez, A. (2012). The model of television in Pedro Almodóvar. Cinema vs. Televisión. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 4(4), 61–81. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Agustín Gómez Gómez

Universidad de Málaga
Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la UMA