Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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La estructura videoclíptica y su inserción en el cine actual: el caso de el gran lebowski (Joel Coen, 1998)


The video clip is a hybrid format that has the capacity to absorb and shape other artistic manifestations. In this paper we shall try to bring it to a satisfactory definition in order to deal with its characteristics and potential classifications, focusing the study on the transfers that has taken placethroughout history with other artistic disciplines and, in particular, with cinema. In this constant aesthetics flow we will study the case of the film The Big Lebowski, directed by Joel Coen in 1998, tracing those shared and/or inherited elements from the video clip format. This film is particularly interesting due to its aesthetic approach as well as to the use that Coen brothers make of music, creating in many cases true video clip-like structures.
  • Referencias
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Voces Fernández, J. (2012). La estructura videoclíptica y su inserción en el cine actual: el caso de el gran lebowski (Joel Coen, 1998). Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 4(4), 24–59. Retrieved from

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