The 2018 Brazilian Election: New Financing Patterns, Political Disaffection and Social Networks
Abstract The article analyzes the electoral financing pattern of the presidential elections from 2010 to 2018 in Brazil. Based on data from the Superior Electoral Court, the income of the parties and the presidential candidates of the period are analyzed. Our data shows that the 2018 elections present a new financing pattern that is explained by the changes in the country's electoral legislation. Until 2018, the sources of financing came from corporations, but in 2018 we have a competition in which the parties depend on public resources or donations from individuals. Our findings also indicate that for 2018 there was a coincidence between the amount of the candidate's resources and the number of votes received. In the last presidential election, this pattern changed, the victorious candidate was one with the highest earnings, which shows a change in the country's political competition.
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Redes Sociais nas Eleições 2018. Policy Paper 1. #Observa2018. Sala de Democracia Digital. FGV. DAPP.
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Schmitt, H; Haroarson, H; O; Onnudottir, (2016). Critical Election in the Wake of an Economic and Political Crisis: Realignment of Icelandic Party Voters? Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 40, pp. 157-181. -
Souza, M. C. Estado e Partidos Políticos no Brasil (1930-1962). São Paulo: Alfa Ômega, 1976.
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