Abstract Para Stimson (1971), a dinâmica de popularidade dos presidentes tem um padrão cíclico: altos índices de aprovação ao início dos mandatos, seguido por uma perda de popularidade e uma leve recuperação do apoio popular ao fim de quatro anos. Pressupõe-se, ainda, que presidentes são mais populares no seu 1º mandato do que no 2º. No Brasil, o 2º mandato de Lula (2007-2010) foge a essas regras. Este artigo analisa por que isso aconteceu. Em 2005, Lula e seu partido, o PT, se envolveram em um grande escândalo de corrupção, o “mensalão”, que gerou um efeito de priming que afetou seus índices de popularidade. Eleitoralmente, ele sobreviveu porque a economia funcionou como um escudo a seu favor. Mas o mensalão também reduziu as expectativas dos cidadãos em relação ao que seria entregue no 2º mandato. Isso abriu caminho para uma maximização de impactos positivos nas políticas adotadas pelo governo do ex-presidente.
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Bezerra, H. D. & P. S. Mundim (2011). “Qual foi o papel das variáveis midiáticas na eleição presidencial de 2010?” Opinião Pública, 17, 452–476.
Brace, P. & B. Hinckley (1991). “The Structure of Presidential Approval : Constraints within and across Presidencies”. The Journal of Politics, 53(4), 993–1017.
Brody, R. A. (1991). Assessing the President: The Media, Elite Opinion, and Public Support. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Canêdo-Pinheiro, M. (2015). “Bolsa Família ou Desempenho da Economia? Determinantes da Reeleição de Lula em 2006”. Economia Aplicada, 19(1), 31–61.
Canes-Wrone, B., & S. de Marchi (2002). “Presidential Approval and Legislative Success”. The Journal of Politics, 64(2), 491–509.
Carlin, R. E., G. J. Love, & C. Martínez-Gallardo (2015). “Cushioning the Fall: Scandals, Economic Conditions, and Executive Approval”. Political Behavior, 37(1), 109–130.
Carlin, R., & K. H. Hunt (2015). “Peasants, Bankers, or Piggybankers? The Economy and Presidential Popularity in Uruguay”. Revista de Ciencia Política, 53(1), 73–93.
Carlin, Ryan E., Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, & Matthew M. Singer (2016). Executive Approval Database 1.0. Available for download at www. executiveapproval.org.
Carreirão, Y. (2002). A Decisão do Voto nas Eleições Presidenciais Brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro/Florianópolis: Editora FGV/ Editora da UFSC.
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Conover, P. J. & S. Feldman (1986). “Emotional Reactions to the Economy: I’m Mad as Hell and I’m not Going to Take it Anymore”. American Journal of Political Science, 30(1), 50–78.
Downs, A. (1999). Uma Teoria Econômica de Democracia. São Paulo: EDUSP.
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Erikson, R. S., M. MacKuen, & J. A. Stimson (2000). “Bankers or Peasants Revisited: Economic Expectations and Presidential Approval”. Electoral Studies, 19(2/3), 295–312.
Figueiredo, M. F. (1991). A Decisão do Voto: Democracia e Racionalidade. São Paulo: Editora Sumaré.
Fiorina, M. P. (1981). Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. Yale University Press.
Gerring, J. (2004). “What Is a Case Study and What Is It Good For?” American Political Science Review, 98(2), 341–354.
Gerring, J. (2007). Case Study Research: Principles and Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goidel, R. K., T. G. Shields, & M. Peffley (1997). “Priming Theory and RAS Models: Toward an Integrated Perspective of Media Influence”. American Politics Quarterly, 25(3), 287–318.
Gronke, P., J. Koch, & J. M. Wilson (2003). “Follow the Leader? Presidential Approval, Presidential Support, and Representatives’ Electoral Fortunes”. The Journal of Politics, 65(3), 785–808.
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Iyengar, S. & Donald Kinder (1987). News That Matter: Television and American Opinion. The University of Chicago Press.
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Lewis-Beck, M. S. & M. Stegmaier (2013). “The VP-function Revisited: a Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions after over 40 Years”. Public Choice, 157(3), 367–385.
MacKuen, M., R. S. Erikson, & J. S. Stimson (1992). “Peasants or Bankers? The American Electorate and the U.S. Economy”. The Amerincan Political Science Review, 86(3), 597–611.
Miller, A. H. (1999). “Sex, Politics, and Public Opinion: What Political Scientists Really Learned from the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal”. PS: Political Science & Politics, 32(4), 721–729.
Miller, J. M. & J. A. Krosnick (1997). “Anatomy of News Media Priming”. In S. Iyengar & R. Reeves (eds.), Do Media Govern? Politicians, Voters, and Reporters in America (pp. 258–275). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Miller, J. M. & J. A. Krosnick (2000). “News Media Impact on the Ingredients of Presidential Evaluations: Politically Knowledgeable Citizens Are Guided by a Trusted Source”. American Journal of Political Science, 44(2), 295–309.
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Mueller, J. E. (1971). “Trends in Popular Support for the Wars in Korea and Vietnam”. American Political Science Review, 65(2), 358–375.
Mundim, P. S. (2012). “Imprensa e voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2002 e 2006”. Revista de Sociologia e Política, 20(41), 123–147. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104- 44782012000100009.
Mundim, P. S. (2013). Imprensa e voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2002 e 2006. Goiânia: Editora UFG.
Mundim, P. S. (2014a). “Cobertura da imprensa e eleições presidenciais de 2006 efeitos realmente limitados?” Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 29(86), 91–107.
Mundim, P. S. (2014b). “Mídia, Voto e Eleições Presidenciais no Brasil”. Em R. Bonifácio, G. Casalecchi, & C. de Deus (eds.), O Voto Para Presidente no Brasil: Condicionantes e Fatores Explicativos (pp. 217–256). Íthala/Edufpi.
Mundim, P. S., W. G. Gramacho, & A. J. de P. Pinto (2018). “Razão e emoção: reações ao estado da economia e aprovação do governo federal”. Opinião Pública, 24(1), 90–113.
Nannestad, P. & M. Paldam, M. (1994). “The VP-function: A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions after 25 Years”. Public Choice, 79(3–4), 213–245.
Newman, B. & A. Forcehimes (2010). “´Rally Round the Flag´ Events for Presidential Approval Research”. Electoral Studies, 29, 144–154.
Noll, R. G. (1995). “Downsian Thresholds and the Theory of Political Advertising”. In B. Grofman (ed.), Information, Participation, and Choice: An Economic Theory of Democracy in Perspective (pp. 37–55). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, C. W. & D. M. Simon (1985). “Promise and Performance: A Dynamic Model of Presidential Popularity”. American Political Science Review, 79(2), 334–358.
Paiva, D., S. Krause, & A. P. Lameirão (2016). “O eleitor antipetista: partidarismo e avaliação retrospectiva”. Opinião Pública, 22(3), 638–674.
Pereira, C., T. J. Power, & L. Rennó (2005). “Opinião pública, estratégia presidencial e ação do congresso no Brasil: ´quem manda? ´” Opinião Pública, 11(2), 401–421.
Pinto, A. J. de P. (2013). Os enigmas da popularidade presidencial no Brasil: economia ou política? UnB, Brasília.
Rennó, L. (2007). “Escândalos e Voto: as Eleições Presidenciais Brasileiras de 2006”. Opinião Pública, 13(2), 260–282.
Rennó, L. & W. G. Gramacho (2010). “Let’s Blame Everyone: Executive and Legislative Evaluations of Economic Performance in Brazil and Chile”. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2(1), 53–78.
Ribeiro, E., Y. Carreirão, & J. Borba (2016). “Sentimentos partidários e antipetismo: condicionantes e covariantes”. Opinião Pública, 22(3), 603–637.
Shah, D. H., M. D. Watts, D. Domke, & D P. Fan (2002). “News Framing and Cueing of Issue Regimes: Explaining Clinton’s Public Approval in Spite of Scandal”. Public Opinion Quarterly, 66(3), 339–370.
Singer, A. (2000). Esquerda e Direita no Eleitorado Brasileiro. São Paulo: EDUSP.
Soares, G. A. D. & S. L. Terron (2008). “Dois Lulas: a geografia eleitoral da reeleição (explorando conceitos, métodos e técnicas de análise geoespacial)”. Opinião Pública, 14(2), 269–301.
Stimson, J. A. (1976). “Public Support for American Presidents: A Cyclical Model”. Public Opinion Quarterly, 40(1), 1–21.
Zaller, J. R. (1992). The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion (13th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zaller, J. R. (1998). “Monica Lewisky’s Contribution to Political Science”. PS: Political Science & Politics, 31(2), 182–189.
Zucco, C. (2008). “The President`s ´New´ Constituency: Lula and the Pragmatic Vote in Brazil’s 2006 Presidential Election”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 40, 29–49.
Baquero, M. & R. S. González (2016). “Cultura política, mudanças econômicas e democracia inercial. Uma análise pós-eleições de 2014”. Opinião Pública, 22(3), 492–523.
Bezerra, H. D. & P. S. Mundim (2011). “Qual foi o papel das variáveis midiáticas na eleição presidencial de 2010?” Opinião Pública, 17, 452–476.
Brace, P. & B. Hinckley (1991). “The Structure of Presidential Approval : Constraints within and across Presidencies”. The Journal of Politics, 53(4), 993–1017.
Brody, R. A. (1991). Assessing the President: The Media, Elite Opinion, and Public Support. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Canêdo-Pinheiro, M. (2015). “Bolsa Família ou Desempenho da Economia? Determinantes da Reeleição de Lula em 2006”. Economia Aplicada, 19(1), 31–61.
Canes-Wrone, B., & S. de Marchi (2002). “Presidential Approval and Legislative Success”. The Journal of Politics, 64(2), 491–509.
Carlin, R. E., G. J. Love, & C. Martínez-Gallardo (2015). “Cushioning the Fall: Scandals, Economic Conditions, and Executive Approval”. Political Behavior, 37(1), 109–130.
Carlin, R., & K. H. Hunt (2015). “Peasants, Bankers, or Piggybankers? The Economy and Presidential Popularity in Uruguay”. Revista de Ciencia Política, 53(1), 73–93.
Carlin, Ryan E., Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, & Matthew M. Singer (2016). Executive Approval Database 1.0. Available for download at www. executiveapproval.org.
Carreirão, Y. (2002). A Decisão do Voto nas Eleições Presidenciais Brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro/Florianópolis: Editora FGV/ Editora da UFSC.
Clarke, H. D. & M. C. Stewart (1994). “Prospections, Retrospections, and Rationality: The ´Bankers´ Model of Presidential Approval”. American Jounal of Political Science, 38(4), 1104–1123.
Conover, P. J. & S. Feldman (1986). “Emotional Reactions to the Economy: I’m Mad as Hell and I’m not Going to Take it Anymore”. American Journal of Political Science, 30(1), 50–78.
Downs, A. (1999). Uma Teoria Econômica de Democracia. São Paulo: EDUSP.
Edwards III, G. C. (1976). “Presidential Influence in the House: Presidential Prestige as a Source of Presidential Power”. American Political Science Review, 70(1), 101–113.
Edwards III, G. C., W. Mitchell, & R. Welch (1995). “Explaining Presidential Approval: The Significance of Issue Salience”. American Journal of Political Science, 39(1), 108–134.
Erikson, R. S., M. MacKuen, & J. A. Stimson (2000). “Bankers or Peasants Revisited: Economic Expectations and Presidential Approval”. Electoral Studies, 19(2/3), 295–312.
Figueiredo, M. F. (1991). A Decisão do Voto: Democracia e Racionalidade. São Paulo: Editora Sumaré.
Fiorina, M. P. (1981). Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. Yale University Press.
Gerring, J. (2004). “What Is a Case Study and What Is It Good For?” American Political Science Review, 98(2), 341–354.
Gerring, J. (2007). Case Study Research: Principles and Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goidel, R. K., T. G. Shields, & M. Peffley (1997). “Priming Theory and RAS Models: Toward an Integrated Perspective of Media Influence”. American Politics Quarterly, 25(3), 287–318.
Gronke, P., J. Koch, & J. M. Wilson (2003). “Follow the Leader? Presidential Approval, Presidential Support, and Representatives’ Electoral Fortunes”. The Journal of Politics, 65(3), 785–808.
Gronke, P. & B. Newman (2003). “FDR to Clinton, Mueller to?: A field essay on presidential approval”. Political Research Quarterly, 56(4), 501–512.
Iyengar, S. (1987). “Television News and Citizens’ Explanation of National Affairs”. American Political Science Review, 81(3), 815–831.
Iyengar, S. (1989). “How Citizens Think About National Issues: a Matter of Responsibility”. American Journal of Political Science, 33(4), 878–900.
Iyengar, S. & Donald Kinder (1987). News That Matter: Television and American Opinion. The University of Chicago Press.
Krosnick, J. A. & L. A. Brannon (1993). “The Impact of the Gulf War on the Ingredients of Presidential Evaluations: Multidimensional Effects of Political Involvement”. American Political Science Review, 87(4), 963–975.
Krosnick, J. A. & D. R. Kinder (1990). “Altering the Foundations of Support for the President Through Priming”. American Political Science Review, 84(2), 497–512.
Lewis-Beck, M. S. & M. Stegmaier (2013). “The VP-function Revisited: a Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions after over 40 Years”. Public Choice, 157(3), 367–385.
MacKuen, M., R. S. Erikson, & J. S. Stimson (1992). “Peasants or Bankers? The American Electorate and the U.S. Economy”. The Amerincan Political Science Review, 86(3), 597–611.
Miller, A. H. (1999). “Sex, Politics, and Public Opinion: What Political Scientists Really Learned from the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal”. PS: Political Science & Politics, 32(4), 721–729.
Miller, J. M. & J. A. Krosnick (1997). “Anatomy of News Media Priming”. In S. Iyengar & R. Reeves (eds.), Do Media Govern? Politicians, Voters, and Reporters in America (pp. 258–275). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Miller, J. M. & J. A. Krosnick (2000). “News Media Impact on the Ingredients of Presidential Evaluations: Politically Knowledgeable Citizens Are Guided by a Trusted Source”. American Journal of Political Science, 44(2), 295–309.
Mueller, J. E. (1970). “Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson”. American Political Science Review, 64(1), 18–34.
Mueller, J. E. (1971). “Trends in Popular Support for the Wars in Korea and Vietnam”. American Political Science Review, 65(2), 358–375.
Mundim, P. S. (2012). “Imprensa e voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2002 e 2006”. Revista de Sociologia e Política, 20(41), 123–147. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104- 44782012000100009.
Mundim, P. S. (2013). Imprensa e voto nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras de 2002 e 2006. Goiânia: Editora UFG.
Mundim, P. S. (2014a). “Cobertura da imprensa e eleições presidenciais de 2006 efeitos realmente limitados?” Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 29(86), 91–107.
Mundim, P. S. (2014b). “Mídia, Voto e Eleições Presidenciais no Brasil”. Em R. Bonifácio, G. Casalecchi, & C. de Deus (eds.), O Voto Para Presidente no Brasil: Condicionantes e Fatores Explicativos (pp. 217–256). Íthala/Edufpi.
Mundim, P. S., W. G. Gramacho, & A. J. de P. Pinto (2018). “Razão e emoção: reações ao estado da economia e aprovação do governo federal”. Opinião Pública, 24(1), 90–113.
Nannestad, P. & M. Paldam, M. (1994). “The VP-function: A Survey of the Literature on Vote and Popularity Functions after 25 Years”. Public Choice, 79(3–4), 213–245.
Newman, B. & A. Forcehimes (2010). “´Rally Round the Flag´ Events for Presidential Approval Research”. Electoral Studies, 29, 144–154.
Noll, R. G. (1995). “Downsian Thresholds and the Theory of Political Advertising”. In B. Grofman (ed.), Information, Participation, and Choice: An Economic Theory of Democracy in Perspective (pp. 37–55). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, C. W. & D. M. Simon (1985). “Promise and Performance: A Dynamic Model of Presidential Popularity”. American Political Science Review, 79(2), 334–358.
Paiva, D., S. Krause, & A. P. Lameirão (2016). “O eleitor antipetista: partidarismo e avaliação retrospectiva”. Opinião Pública, 22(3), 638–674.
Pereira, C., T. J. Power, & L. Rennó (2005). “Opinião pública, estratégia presidencial e ação do congresso no Brasil: ´quem manda? ´” Opinião Pública, 11(2), 401–421.
Pinto, A. J. de P. (2013). Os enigmas da popularidade presidencial no Brasil: economia ou política? UnB, Brasília.
Rennó, L. (2007). “Escândalos e Voto: as Eleições Presidenciais Brasileiras de 2006”. Opinião Pública, 13(2), 260–282.
Rennó, L. & W. G. Gramacho (2010). “Let’s Blame Everyone: Executive and Legislative Evaluations of Economic Performance in Brazil and Chile”. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2(1), 53–78.
Ribeiro, E., Y. Carreirão, & J. Borba (2016). “Sentimentos partidários e antipetismo: condicionantes e covariantes”. Opinião Pública, 22(3), 603–637.
Shah, D. H., M. D. Watts, D. Domke, & D P. Fan (2002). “News Framing and Cueing of Issue Regimes: Explaining Clinton’s Public Approval in Spite of Scandal”. Public Opinion Quarterly, 66(3), 339–370.
Singer, A. (2000). Esquerda e Direita no Eleitorado Brasileiro. São Paulo: EDUSP.
Soares, G. A. D. & S. L. Terron (2008). “Dois Lulas: a geografia eleitoral da reeleição (explorando conceitos, métodos e técnicas de análise geoespacial)”. Opinião Pública, 14(2), 269–301.
Stimson, J. A. (1976). “Public Support for American Presidents: A Cyclical Model”. Public Opinion Quarterly, 40(1), 1–21.
Zaller, J. R. (1992). The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion (13th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zaller, J. R. (1998). “Monica Lewisky’s Contribution to Political Science”. PS: Political Science & Politics, 31(2), 182–189.
Zucco, C. (2008). “The President`s ´New´ Constituency: Lula and the Pragmatic Vote in Brazil’s 2006 Presidential Election”. Journal of Latin American Studies, 40, 29–49.
Mundim, P. S. (2019). LOS IMPACTOS DE LOS EFECTOS DEL PRIMING EN LA POPULARIDAD PRESIDENCIAL: EL CASO DEL SEGUNDO MANDATO DE LULA. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 8(2), 31–61. https://doi.org/10.14201/rlop.22353
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