Abstract The contentious politics literature has long been divided on the extent to which grievances –or “dissatisfaction caused by deprivation” (Dalton et al., 2009)– drive citizen participation in protests. Do grievances motivate citizens to take to the streets? To shed light on how grievances affect protest, we focus on citizen evaluations of public service provision in Latin America. Scant research has examined the effect of poor public service delivery on contentious participation in emerging democracies. We highlight two mechanisms associated with public service evaluations that facilitate mobilization: 1) firsthand experience with poor governance and 2) clear attribution of responsibility for poor service provision. To test our argument, we utilize data from the 2012 and 2014 AmericasBarometer national surveys of Brazil, and then generalize to Latin America in multilevel models of protest drawing from 18 countries. The results are consistent: where firsthand experience with state incompetence fuels declining system support and specific attribution of blame for underperformance, as in the case of public service evaluations in Latin America, grievances fuel participation in protest.
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Melguizo, Angel; Sebastián Nieto-Parra; José Ramón Perea and Jaime Ariel Perez (2017). “No Sympathy for the Devil! Policy Priorities to Overcome the Middle-Income Trap in Latin America.” Working Paper Nº 340. Research area: Latin American Economic Outlook.
Moseley, Mason W. (2015). “Contentious Engagement: Understanding Protest Participation in Latin American Democracies.” Journal of Politics in Latin America 7(3): 3-48. Moseley, Mason W. (2018). Protest State: The Rise of Everyday Contention in Latin America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Moseley, Mason and Matthew L. Layton (2013). “Prosperity and Protest in Brazil: The Wave of the Future for Latin America?” Insights Series Nº I0893. Vanderbilt University: Latin American Public Opinion Project (Lapop).
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+Anderson, Christopher (1995). Blaming the Government: Citizens and the Economy in Five European Democracies. North Castle, NY: ME Sharpe.
Arce, Moisés (2014). Resource Extraction and Protest in Peru. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Arce, Moisés and Jorge Mangonnet (2013). “Competitiveness, Partisanship, and Subnational Protest in Argentina.” Comparative Political Studies 46(8): 895-919.
Atkeson, Lonna Rae and Randall W. Partin (1995). “Economic and Referendum Voting: A Comparison of Gubernatorial and Senatorial Elections.” American Political Science Review 89(1): 99- 107.
Bateson, Regina (2012). “Crime Victimization and Political Participation.” American Political Science Review 106(3): 570-587.
Beaulieu, Emily (2014). Electoral Protest and Democracy in the Developing World. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Blattman, Christopher (2009). “From Violence to Voting: War and Political Participation in Uganda.” American Political Science Review 103(2): 231-247.
Boulding, Carew (2014). NGOs, Political Protest, and Civil Society. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Campante, Filipe R. and Davin Chor (2012). “Why was the Arab World Poised for Revolution? Schooling, Economic Opportunities, and the Arab Spring.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 26(2) (2012): 167-187.
Carlin, Ryan E. and Shane P. Singh (2015). “Executive Power and Economic Accountability.” The Journal of Politics 77(4): 1031-1044.
Carvalho, Laura (2017). “Facing Unemployment, Austerity and Scandal, Brazil Struggles to Keep it Together.” The Conversation, January 27, 2017, https://theconversation.com/facing-unemployment- austerity-and-scandal-brazil-struggles-to-keepit- together-71663.
Crosby, Faye (1976). “A Model of Egoistical Relative Deprivation.” Psychological Review 83(2): 85.
Dalton, Russell J.; Alix van Sickle and Steven Weldon (2009). “The Individual-Institutional Nexus of Protest.” British Journal of Political Science 40(1): 51-73.
Duch, Raymond M. and Randolph T. Stevenson (2008). The Economic Vote: How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Dunning, Thad (2012). Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences: A Design-Based Approach. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Epstein, Lee and Jeffrey A. Segal (2000). “Measuring Issue Salience.” American Journal of Political Science 44(1): 66-83.
Falleti, Tulia G. and Thea N. Riofrancos (2018). “Endogenous Participation: Strengthening Prior Consultation in Extractive Economies.” World Politics. 70 (1): 86-121.
Foster, Mindi D. and Kimberly Matheson (1999). “Perceiving and Responding to the Personal/Group Discrimination Discrepancy.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25(10): 1319-1329.
Garay, Candelaria (2007). “Social Policy and Collective Action: Unemployed Workers, Community Associations, and Protest in Argentina.” Politics & Society 35(2): 301-328.
Garay, Candelaria (2016). Social Policy Expansion in Latin America. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Gomez, Brad T. and J. Matthew Wilson (2001). “Political Sophistication and Economic Voting in the American Electorate: A Theory of Heterogeneous Attribution.” American Journal of Political Science 45(4): 899-914.
Graham, Richard and Peter H. Smith (eds.) (2012). New Approaches to Latin American History. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Gurr, Ted Robert (1970). Why Men Rebel. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Javeline, Debra (2003). “The Role of Blame in Collective Action: Evidence from Russia.”American Political Science Review 97(1): 107-121.
Kinder, Donald R. and D. Roderick Kiewiet (1981). “Sociotropic Politics: The American Case.” British Journal of Political Science 11(2): 129-161.
Latin American Public Opinion Project (2014). “AmericasBarometer 2014.” http://www.vanderbilt.edu/lapop/ab2014.php.
Layton, Matthew L.; Maureen M. Donaghy and Lúcio R. Rennó (2017). “Does Welfare Provision Promote Democratic State Legitimacy? Evidence from Brazil’s Bolsa Família Program.” Latin American Politics and Society 59(4): 99-120.
Long, Gideon (2011). “Chile Student Protests Point to Deep Discontent,” BBC, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america- 14487555.
Luna, Juan Pablo and Hillel D. Soifer (2015). “Surveying State Capacity.” AmericasBarometer Insights 119.
Machado, Fabiana; Carlos Scartascini and Mariano Tommasi (2011). “Political Institutions and Street Protests in Latin America.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55(3): 340-365.
Mangonnet, Jorge and María Victoria Murillo (2016). “Protests of Abundance: Commodity Rents and Rural Lockouts in Argentina,” presented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, September 2016.
McAdam, Douglas (1982). Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. McCarthy, John D. and Mayer N. Zald (1977). “Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory.” American Journal of Sociology 82(6): 1212-1241.
Melguizo, Angel; Sebastián Nieto-Parra; José Ramón Perea and Jaime Ariel Perez (2017). “No Sympathy for the Devil! Policy Priorities to Overcome the Middle-Income Trap in Latin America.” Working Paper Nº 340. Research area: Latin American Economic Outlook.
Moseley, Mason W. (2015). “Contentious Engagement: Understanding Protest Participation in Latin American Democracies.” Journal of Politics in Latin America 7(3): 3-48. Moseley, Mason W. (2018). Protest State: The Rise of Everyday Contention in Latin America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Moseley, Mason and Matthew L. Layton (2013). “Prosperity and Protest in Brazil: The Wave of the Future for Latin America?” Insights Series Nº I0893. Vanderbilt University: Latin American Public Opinion Project (Lapop).
Murillo, María Victoria and Jorge Mangonnet (2016). “Protests of Abundance: Commodity Rents and Rural Lockouts in Argentina,” presented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, September 2016.
Olson, Mancur (1965). The Logic of Collective Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Oxfam (2017). “Latin America Remains the Most Unequal Region in the World,” Oxfam, December 18, 2017, http://blogs.oxfam. org/en/blogs/17-12-18-latin-america-remains-most-unequalregion- world.
Powell Jr.; G. Bingham and Guy D. Whitten (1993). “A Cross-National Analysis of Economic Voting: Taking Account of the Political Context.” American Journal of Political Science 37(2): 391-414.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan (2017). “Political Corruption and Reform in Democracies: Theoretical Perspectives,” In Junich Kawata (ed.), Comparing Political Corruption and Clientelism. New York, NY: Routledge, 65-82.
Seligson, Mitchell A. (2006). “The Measurement and Impact of Corruption Victimization: Survey Evidence from Latin America.” World Development 34(2): 381-404.
Silva, Eduardo (2009). Challenging Neoliberalism in Latin America. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Simões, Rogério, “Broken Promises and Corruption Fuel Brazil Protests,” CNN, June 21, 2013 https://www.cnn.com/2013/06/20/ world/americas/opinion-brazil-simoes/index.html.
Sovey, Allison J. and Donald P. Green (2011). “Instrumental Variables Estimation in Political Science: A Readers’ Guide.” American Journal of Political Science 55(1): 188-200.
Tavits, Margit (2007). “Clarity of Responsibility and Corruption.” American Journal of Political Science 51(1): 218-229.
Transparency International (2017). “About 1 in 3 People Using Public Services in Latin America and Caribbean Paid a Bribe in Past Year.”Transparency International, https://www.transparency. org/news/pressrelease/about_1_in_3_people_using_public_ services_in_latin_america_and_caribbean_pa.
Unesco (2013). “The State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a Quality Education for All – 2015.” Unesco, http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/ MULTIMEDIA/FIELD/ Santiago/pdf/state-of-education-in-LAC-towards-2015.pdf.
Van Stekelenburg, Jacquelien and Bert Klandermans (2013). “The Social Psychology of Protest.” Current Sociology 61(5-6): 886-905.
Walker, Lain and Leon Mann (1987). “Unemployment, Relative Deprivation, and Social Protest.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 13(2): 275-283.
Walton, John and Charles Ragin (1990). “Global and National Sources of Political Protest: Third World Responses to the Debt Crisis.” American Sociological Review 55(6): 876-890.
Watts, Jonathan (2013). “Brazil Erupts in Protest: More than a Million on the Streets.” The Guardian, June 21, 2003, https://www. theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/21/brazil-police-crowds-rioprotest. Wilkinson, Steven I. (2009). “Riots.” Annual Review of Political Science 12: 329-343.
World Bank (2013). “Universal Healthcare on the Rise in Latin America.” The World Bank, http://www.worldbank.org/en/ news/feature/2013/02/14/universal-healthcare-latin-america.
World Bank (2017). “Higher Education Expanding in Latin America and the Caribbean, but Falling Short of Potential.” The World Bank, http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2017/ 05/17/higher-education-expanding-in-latin-america-and-thecaribbean- but-falling-short-of-potential.
Yashar, Deborah J. (2005). Contesting Citizenship in Latin America: The Rise of Indigenous Movements and the Postliberal Challenge. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Zaller, John (1992). The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Zovatto, Daniel (2015). “Dinero y política en América Latina.” Revista de Derecho Electoral 2(26): 5-26.
Moseley, M., & Shin, K. C. (2019). WHEN GRIEVANCES MATTER: PUBLIC SERVICE EVALUATIONS AND PROTEST IN LATIN AMERICA. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 8(1), 165–207. https://doi.org/10.14201/rlop.22345
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