Efectos de la exposición a los medios de comunicación y la discusión en las actitudes hacia la política
Abstract Teniendo en cuenta que la deliberación entre los ciudadanos y su interés en asuntos políticos son características ideales de una democracia moderna, en este trabajo se argumenta que la deliberación política puede tener algunos efectos negativos en actitudes de los ciudadanos hacia la política. Más preciso, esperamos establecer bajo qué condiciones la exposición a la información heterogénea de los medios de comunicación y la discusión entre intermediarios que están en desacuerdo deteriora el interés del ciudadano en política y la confianza política. Usando los datos del Proyecto Comparado de Elecciones Nacionales (CNEP) y, tras discutir algunas posiciones contradicciones de la literatura sobre este tema, va a mostrarse que, bajo ciertas circunstancias, estar expuesto a discusiones políticas en desacuerdo con las del propio entrevistado propicia un menor interés en la política, algo que no ocurre con la exposición a medios de información divergente. Sin embargo, esos efectos negativos están condicionados por el conocimiento político, por la fuerza de la identificación partidista a nivel individual y, a nivel contextual, por la polarización y fragmentación del sistema de partidos. Por último veremos que esto sólo afecta al interés pero no a la confianza política.
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Almond, Gabriel A. y Sidney Verba (1963), The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Anderson, Christopher J. y Aida Paskeviciute (2005), “Macro-Politics and Micro-Behavior: Mainstream Politics and the Frequency of Political Discussion in Contemporary Democracies”, en Alan S. Zuckerman (ed.), The Social Logic of Politics: Personal Networks as Context for Political Behavior, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
Arendt, Hannah (1968), Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, Nueva York, Viking Press.
Avery, James M. (2009), “Videomalaise or Virtuous Circle? The Influence of the News Media on Political Trust”, International Journal of Press?Politics, 14, pp. 410?433.
Bächtinger, André y Seraina Pedrini (2010), “Dissecting Deliberative Democracy: A Review of Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Findings”, en Michael Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda (eds.), Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routledge.
Bartels, Larry (1993), “Messages Received: The Political Impact of Media Exposure”, American Political Science Review, 87, pp. 267-285.
Beck, Paul Allen, Russell J. Dalton, Steven Greene y Robert Huckfeldt (2002), “The Social Calculus of Voting: Interpersonal, Media, and Organizational Influences on Presidential Choice”, American Political Science Review, 96, pp. 57-74.
Berelson, Bernard R., Paul F. Lazarfeld y William McPhee, (1954), Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
Campbell, Angus, Gerald Gurin y Warren E. Miller (1954), The Voter Decides, Evanston, Row, Peterson & Company.
Campbell, Angus, Phillip Converse, Warren E. Miller y Donald Stokes (1960), The American Voter, Nueva York, John Wiley & Sons, Co.
Carlin, Ryan E. y Gregory J. Love (2013), “The Politics of Interpersonal Trust and Reciprocity: An Experimental Approach”, Political Behaviour, 35, pp. 43-63.
Dalton, Russell J. (2004), Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices: The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
-- (2008) “The Quantity and the Quality of Party Systems: Party System Polarization, its Measurement, and its Consequences”, Comparative Political Studies, 41 (7), pp. 899-920.
Delli Carpini, Michael X. y Scott Keeter (1989), What Americans know about politics and why it matters, New Haven, Yale University Press.
Delli Carpini, Michael X., Fay Lomax Cook y Lawrence R. Jacobs (2004), “Public Deliberation, Discursive Participation, and Political Engagement: An Empirical Review of the Literature”, Annual Review of Political Science, 7, pp. 315-344.
Denters, Bas, Oscar Gabriel y Mariano Torcal (2007), “Norms of Good Citizenship”, en Jan van Deth, Anders Westholm y José Ramón Montero (eds.), Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative Analysis, Londres, Routledge.
Elster, Jon (1998), “Introduction”, en Jon Elster (ed.), Deliberative Democracy, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Eveland Jr, William P., y Myiah H. Hively (2009), “Political Discussion Frequency, Network Size, and Heterogeneity of Discussion as Predictors of Political Knowledge and Participation”, Journal of Communication, 59, pp. 205-224.
Eveland Jr, William P. y Tiffany Thompson (2006), “Is It Talking, Thinking, or Both? A Lagged Dependent Variable Model of Discussion Effects on Political Knowledge”, Journal of Communication, 56, pp. 523-542.
Fearon, James D. (1998), “Deliberation as Discussion”, en Jon Elster (ed.), Deliberative Democracy, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Fishkin, James S. (1991), Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform, New Haven, Yale University Press.
-- (1997), The Voice of People: Public Opinion and Democracy, New Haven, Yale University Press. Gallaguer, Michael y Paul Mitchells (2009), The Politics of Electoral Systems, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Goldman, Seth y Diana Mutz (2011), “The Friendly Media Phenomenon: A Cross-National Analysis of Cross- Cutting Exposure”, Political Communication, 28, pp. 42-66.
Gunther, Richard, José R. Montero y Mariano Torcal (2007), “Democracy and Intermediation: Some Attitudinal and Behavioral Dimensions”, en Richard Gunther, José Ramón Montero y Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Habermas, Jünger (1984), The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and Rationalization of Society, Cambridge, Polity Press. Huckfeldt, Robert y John Sprague (1995), Citizens, Politics and Social Communication: Information and Influence in an Election Campaign, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Huckfeldt, Robert, Paul E. Johnson y John Sprague (2004), Political Disagreement: The Survival of Diverse Opinions within Communication Networks, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Huckfeldt, Robert, Jeanett Morehouse Mendez y Tracy Osborn (2004), “Disagreement, Ambivalence, and Engagement: The Political Consequences of Heterogeneous Networks”, Political Psychology, 25, pp. 65-95.
Huckfeldt, Robert, Ken’ichi Ikeda y Franz U. Pappi (2005), “Pattern of Disagreement in Democratic Politics: Comparing Germany, Japan and the United States”, American Journal of Political Science, 49, pp. 497-514.
Ikeda, Ken’ichi y Robert Huckfeldt (2001), “Political Communication and Disagreement among Citizens in Japan and the United States”, Political Behavior, 23, pp. 23-52.
Jackman, Simon y Paul M. Sniderman (2006), “The Limits of Deliberative Discussion: A Model of Everyday Political Argument”, Journal of Politics, 68, pp. 272-283.
Katz, Elihu (1981), “Publicity and Pluralistic Ignorance: Notes on the Spiral of Silence”, en Horst Baler, Hans M. Kepplinger y Kurt Reuman (eds.), Public Opinion and Social Change: For Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, Weisbaden, Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 28-38.
Laakson, Markku y Rein Taagapera (1979), “Effective Number of Parties: A Measure with Application to West Europe”, Comparative Political Studies, 12, pp. 3-27.
La Due Lake, Ronald y Robert Huckfeldt (1998), “Social Capital, Social Networks, and Political Participation”, Political Psychology, 19, pp. 567-584.
Lazarfeld, Paul F., Bernard R. Berelson y Hazel Gaudet (1944), The People’s Choice: How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign, Nueva York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce.
Lup, Oana (2010), “The Role of Political Discussion in Developing Democracies: Evidence from Hungary”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda, eds., Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Lupia, Arthur y Matthew D. McCubbins (1998), The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know?, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Luskin, Robert C. y James S. Fishkin (2002), Deliberation and “better citizens”, Austin, University of Texas at Austin.
Magalhães, Pedro (2007), “Voting and Intermediation: Informational Biases and Electoral Choice in Comparative Perspective”, en Richard Gunther, José R. Montero y Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Marquis, Lionel (2010), “Patterns of Support for the Welfare State: The Role of Media and Interpersonal Communication in Direct Democratic Votes in Switzerland (1996-2004)”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda (eds., )Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Morales, Laura (2010), “Getting a Single Message? The Impact of Homogeneous Political Communication Contexts in Spain in Comparative Perspective”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda (eds.), Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Moy, Patricia y John Gastil (2006), “Predicting Deliberative Conversation: The Impact of Discussion Networks, Media Use, and Political Cognition”, Political Communication, 23, pp. 443-460.
Mutz, Diana C. (1998), Interpersonal Influence: How Perceptions of Mass Collectives Affect Political Attitudes, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
-- (2002a), “The Consequences of Cross-Cutting Networks for Political Participation”, American Journal of Political Science, 46, pp. 838-855.
-- (2002b), “Cross-Cutting Social Networks: Testing Democratic Theory in Practice”, American Political Science Review, 96, pp. 111-126.
-- (2006), Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democracy, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Mutz, Diana C. y P. S. Martin (2001), “Facilitating Communication across Lines of Political Difference: The Role of Mass Media”, American Political Science Review, 95, pp. 97-114.
Mutz, Diana C. y Jeffery Mondak (2006), “The Workplace as a Context for Cross-Cutting Political Discourse”, Journal of Politics, 68, pp. 140-155. Newton, Kenneth (1999), “Mass Media Effects: Mobilization or Media Malaise?”, British Journal of Political Science, 29, pp. 577-599.
Niemi, Richard G., Stephen C. Craig y Franco Mattei (1991), “Measuring Internal Political Efficacy in the 1988 National Election Study”, American Political Science Review, 85, pp. 1407-1413.
Nir, Lilach (2005), “Ambivalent Social Networks and their Consequences for Participation”, International Journal for Public Opinion Research, 17, pp. 422-442.
Norris, Pippa (1999), “Introduction: The Growth of Critical Citizens”, en Pippa Norris (ed.), Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Governance, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
-- (2000), A Virtuous Circle? Political Communication in Post-Industrial Democracies, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
-- (2011), Democratic Deficits: Critical Citizens Revisited, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press. Putnam, Robert (1993), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
-- (2000), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Nueva York, Simon & Schuster.
Prior, Markus (2007) Post-Broadcast Democracy: How Media Choice Increase Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarize Election, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Richardson, Bradley y Paul A. Beck (2007). “The Flow of Political Information: Personal Discussants, the Media, and Partisans”, en Richard Gunther, José R. Montero y Hans-Jünger Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Rosenberg, Shawn (2007), “Ways of Talking, Types of Democratic Deliberation and the Limits of Participation”, paper presented at the Joint Sessions and Workshops of the European Consortium of Political Research, Helsinki, Finland.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2003), “Mass Communication, Personal Communication and Vote Choice: The Filter Hypothesis of Media Influence in Comparative Perspective”, British Journal of Political Science, 33, pp. 233-259.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger. y Katrin Voltmer (2007), “The Mass Media in Third-Wave Democracies: Gravediggers or Seedsmen of Democratic Consolidation?”, en Richard Gunther, José R. Montero y Hans-Jünger Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger y Christian Mackenrodt (2010), “Social Networks and Mass Media as Mobilizers and Demobilizers: A Study of Turnout at a German Local Election”, Electoral Studies, 29, pp. 392-404.
Searing, Donald D., Frederick Solt, Pamela Johnston Conover e Ivor Creew (2007), “Public Discussion in the Deliberative System: Does It Make Better Citizens?”, British Journal of Political Science, 37, pp. 587-618.
Schuefele, Dietram A., Matthew Nisbet, Dominique Brossard y Erik Nisbet (2004), “Social Structure and Citizenship: Examining the Impacts of Social Settings, Network Heterogeneity, and Informational Variables on Political Participation”, Political Communication, 21, pp. 315-338.
Strömbäck, Jesper y Adam Shehata (2010), “Media Malaise or a Virtuous Circle? Exploring the Causal Relationships Between News Media Exposure, Political News Attention and Political Interest”, European Journal of Political Research, 49, pp. 575-597.
Toka, Gabor (2010), “The Impact of Everyday Political Talk on Involvement, Knowledge, and Informed Voting”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda, eds., Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Torcal, Mariano y José R. Montero (2006), “Political Disaffection in Comparative Perspective”, en Mariano Torcal y José R. Montero (eds.), Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies: Social Capital, Institutions and Politics, Londres, Routledge.
Ulbig, Stacy G., y Carolyn L. Funk. (1999), “Conflict Avoidance and Political Participation” Political Behavior 21 (3), pp. 265-282.
Van Deth, Jan (1990), “Interest in Politics”, en M. K. Jennings et al. (eds.), Continuities in Political Action. A Longitudinal Study of Political Orientations in Three Western Democracies. Berlín, Walter de Gruyter.
Verba, Sidney, Kay L. Schlozman y Henry Brady (1995), Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Zaller, John (1992), The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
-- (1996), “The Myth of Massive Media Impact Revived: New Support for a Discredited Idea”, en Diana C. Mutz, Paul M. Sniderman y Richard A. Brody (eds.), Political Persuasion and Attitudinal Change. Michigan, Michigan University Press.
Anderson, Christopher J. y Aida Paskeviciute (2005), “Macro-Politics and Micro-Behavior: Mainstream Politics and the Frequency of Political Discussion in Contemporary Democracies”, en Alan S. Zuckerman (ed.), The Social Logic of Politics: Personal Networks as Context for Political Behavior, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
Arendt, Hannah (1968), Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, Nueva York, Viking Press.
Avery, James M. (2009), “Videomalaise or Virtuous Circle? The Influence of the News Media on Political Trust”, International Journal of Press?Politics, 14, pp. 410?433.
Bächtinger, André y Seraina Pedrini (2010), “Dissecting Deliberative Democracy: A Review of Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Findings”, en Michael Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda (eds.), Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routledge.
Bartels, Larry (1993), “Messages Received: The Political Impact of Media Exposure”, American Political Science Review, 87, pp. 267-285.
Beck, Paul Allen, Russell J. Dalton, Steven Greene y Robert Huckfeldt (2002), “The Social Calculus of Voting: Interpersonal, Media, and Organizational Influences on Presidential Choice”, American Political Science Review, 96, pp. 57-74.
Berelson, Bernard R., Paul F. Lazarfeld y William McPhee, (1954), Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
Campbell, Angus, Gerald Gurin y Warren E. Miller (1954), The Voter Decides, Evanston, Row, Peterson & Company.
Campbell, Angus, Phillip Converse, Warren E. Miller y Donald Stokes (1960), The American Voter, Nueva York, John Wiley & Sons, Co.
Carlin, Ryan E. y Gregory J. Love (2013), “The Politics of Interpersonal Trust and Reciprocity: An Experimental Approach”, Political Behaviour, 35, pp. 43-63.
Dalton, Russell J. (2004), Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices: The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
-- (2008) “The Quantity and the Quality of Party Systems: Party System Polarization, its Measurement, and its Consequences”, Comparative Political Studies, 41 (7), pp. 899-920.
Delli Carpini, Michael X. y Scott Keeter (1989), What Americans know about politics and why it matters, New Haven, Yale University Press.
Delli Carpini, Michael X., Fay Lomax Cook y Lawrence R. Jacobs (2004), “Public Deliberation, Discursive Participation, and Political Engagement: An Empirical Review of the Literature”, Annual Review of Political Science, 7, pp. 315-344.
Denters, Bas, Oscar Gabriel y Mariano Torcal (2007), “Norms of Good Citizenship”, en Jan van Deth, Anders Westholm y José Ramón Montero (eds.), Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative Analysis, Londres, Routledge.
Elster, Jon (1998), “Introduction”, en Jon Elster (ed.), Deliberative Democracy, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Eveland Jr, William P., y Myiah H. Hively (2009), “Political Discussion Frequency, Network Size, and Heterogeneity of Discussion as Predictors of Political Knowledge and Participation”, Journal of Communication, 59, pp. 205-224.
Eveland Jr, William P. y Tiffany Thompson (2006), “Is It Talking, Thinking, or Both? A Lagged Dependent Variable Model of Discussion Effects on Political Knowledge”, Journal of Communication, 56, pp. 523-542.
Fearon, James D. (1998), “Deliberation as Discussion”, en Jon Elster (ed.), Deliberative Democracy, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Fishkin, James S. (1991), Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform, New Haven, Yale University Press.
-- (1997), The Voice of People: Public Opinion and Democracy, New Haven, Yale University Press. Gallaguer, Michael y Paul Mitchells (2009), The Politics of Electoral Systems, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Goldman, Seth y Diana Mutz (2011), “The Friendly Media Phenomenon: A Cross-National Analysis of Cross- Cutting Exposure”, Political Communication, 28, pp. 42-66.
Gunther, Richard, José R. Montero y Mariano Torcal (2007), “Democracy and Intermediation: Some Attitudinal and Behavioral Dimensions”, en Richard Gunther, José Ramón Montero y Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Habermas, Jünger (1984), The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and Rationalization of Society, Cambridge, Polity Press. Huckfeldt, Robert y John Sprague (1995), Citizens, Politics and Social Communication: Information and Influence in an Election Campaign, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Huckfeldt, Robert, Paul E. Johnson y John Sprague (2004), Political Disagreement: The Survival of Diverse Opinions within Communication Networks, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Huckfeldt, Robert, Jeanett Morehouse Mendez y Tracy Osborn (2004), “Disagreement, Ambivalence, and Engagement: The Political Consequences of Heterogeneous Networks”, Political Psychology, 25, pp. 65-95.
Huckfeldt, Robert, Ken’ichi Ikeda y Franz U. Pappi (2005), “Pattern of Disagreement in Democratic Politics: Comparing Germany, Japan and the United States”, American Journal of Political Science, 49, pp. 497-514.
Ikeda, Ken’ichi y Robert Huckfeldt (2001), “Political Communication and Disagreement among Citizens in Japan and the United States”, Political Behavior, 23, pp. 23-52.
Jackman, Simon y Paul M. Sniderman (2006), “The Limits of Deliberative Discussion: A Model of Everyday Political Argument”, Journal of Politics, 68, pp. 272-283.
Katz, Elihu (1981), “Publicity and Pluralistic Ignorance: Notes on the Spiral of Silence”, en Horst Baler, Hans M. Kepplinger y Kurt Reuman (eds.), Public Opinion and Social Change: For Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, Weisbaden, Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 28-38.
Laakson, Markku y Rein Taagapera (1979), “Effective Number of Parties: A Measure with Application to West Europe”, Comparative Political Studies, 12, pp. 3-27.
La Due Lake, Ronald y Robert Huckfeldt (1998), “Social Capital, Social Networks, and Political Participation”, Political Psychology, 19, pp. 567-584.
Lazarfeld, Paul F., Bernard R. Berelson y Hazel Gaudet (1944), The People’s Choice: How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign, Nueva York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce.
Lup, Oana (2010), “The Role of Political Discussion in Developing Democracies: Evidence from Hungary”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda, eds., Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Lupia, Arthur y Matthew D. McCubbins (1998), The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know?, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Luskin, Robert C. y James S. Fishkin (2002), Deliberation and “better citizens”, Austin, University of Texas at Austin.
Magalhães, Pedro (2007), “Voting and Intermediation: Informational Biases and Electoral Choice in Comparative Perspective”, en Richard Gunther, José R. Montero y Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Marquis, Lionel (2010), “Patterns of Support for the Welfare State: The Role of Media and Interpersonal Communication in Direct Democratic Votes in Switzerland (1996-2004)”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda (eds., )Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Morales, Laura (2010), “Getting a Single Message? The Impact of Homogeneous Political Communication Contexts in Spain in Comparative Perspective”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda (eds.), Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Moy, Patricia y John Gastil (2006), “Predicting Deliberative Conversation: The Impact of Discussion Networks, Media Use, and Political Cognition”, Political Communication, 23, pp. 443-460.
Mutz, Diana C. (1998), Interpersonal Influence: How Perceptions of Mass Collectives Affect Political Attitudes, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
-- (2002a), “The Consequences of Cross-Cutting Networks for Political Participation”, American Journal of Political Science, 46, pp. 838-855.
-- (2002b), “Cross-Cutting Social Networks: Testing Democratic Theory in Practice”, American Political Science Review, 96, pp. 111-126.
-- (2006), Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democracy, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Mutz, Diana C. y P. S. Martin (2001), “Facilitating Communication across Lines of Political Difference: The Role of Mass Media”, American Political Science Review, 95, pp. 97-114.
Mutz, Diana C. y Jeffery Mondak (2006), “The Workplace as a Context for Cross-Cutting Political Discourse”, Journal of Politics, 68, pp. 140-155. Newton, Kenneth (1999), “Mass Media Effects: Mobilization or Media Malaise?”, British Journal of Political Science, 29, pp. 577-599.
Niemi, Richard G., Stephen C. Craig y Franco Mattei (1991), “Measuring Internal Political Efficacy in the 1988 National Election Study”, American Political Science Review, 85, pp. 1407-1413.
Nir, Lilach (2005), “Ambivalent Social Networks and their Consequences for Participation”, International Journal for Public Opinion Research, 17, pp. 422-442.
Norris, Pippa (1999), “Introduction: The Growth of Critical Citizens”, en Pippa Norris (ed.), Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Governance, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
-- (2000), A Virtuous Circle? Political Communication in Post-Industrial Democracies, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
-- (2011), Democratic Deficits: Critical Citizens Revisited, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press. Putnam, Robert (1993), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
-- (2000), Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Nueva York, Simon & Schuster.
Prior, Markus (2007) Post-Broadcast Democracy: How Media Choice Increase Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarize Election, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
Richardson, Bradley y Paul A. Beck (2007). “The Flow of Political Information: Personal Discussants, the Media, and Partisans”, en Richard Gunther, José R. Montero y Hans-Jünger Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Rosenberg, Shawn (2007), “Ways of Talking, Types of Democratic Deliberation and the Limits of Participation”, paper presented at the Joint Sessions and Workshops of the European Consortium of Political Research, Helsinki, Finland.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2003), “Mass Communication, Personal Communication and Vote Choice: The Filter Hypothesis of Media Influence in Comparative Perspective”, British Journal of Political Science, 33, pp. 233-259.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger. y Katrin Voltmer (2007), “The Mass Media in Third-Wave Democracies: Gravediggers or Seedsmen of Democratic Consolidation?”, en Richard Gunther, José R. Montero y Hans-Jünger Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation and Voting on Four Continents, Nueva York, Oxford University Press.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger y Christian Mackenrodt (2010), “Social Networks and Mass Media as Mobilizers and Demobilizers: A Study of Turnout at a German Local Election”, Electoral Studies, 29, pp. 392-404.
Searing, Donald D., Frederick Solt, Pamela Johnston Conover e Ivor Creew (2007), “Public Discussion in the Deliberative System: Does It Make Better Citizens?”, British Journal of Political Science, 37, pp. 587-618.
Schuefele, Dietram A., Matthew Nisbet, Dominique Brossard y Erik Nisbet (2004), “Social Structure and Citizenship: Examining the Impacts of Social Settings, Network Heterogeneity, and Informational Variables on Political Participation”, Political Communication, 21, pp. 315-338.
Strömbäck, Jesper y Adam Shehata (2010), “Media Malaise or a Virtuous Circle? Exploring the Causal Relationships Between News Media Exposure, Political News Attention and Political Interest”, European Journal of Political Research, 49, pp. 575-597.
Toka, Gabor (2010), “The Impact of Everyday Political Talk on Involvement, Knowledge, and Informed Voting”, en Michael R. Wolf, Laura Morales y Ken’ichi Ikeda, eds., Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective, Londres, Routlegde.
Torcal, Mariano y José R. Montero (2006), “Political Disaffection in Comparative Perspective”, en Mariano Torcal y José R. Montero (eds.), Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies: Social Capital, Institutions and Politics, Londres, Routledge.
Ulbig, Stacy G., y Carolyn L. Funk. (1999), “Conflict Avoidance and Political Participation” Political Behavior 21 (3), pp. 265-282.
Van Deth, Jan (1990), “Interest in Politics”, en M. K. Jennings et al. (eds.), Continuities in Political Action. A Longitudinal Study of Political Orientations in Three Western Democracies. Berlín, Walter de Gruyter.
Verba, Sidney, Kay L. Schlozman y Henry Brady (1995), Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Zaller, John (1992), The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion, Nueva York, Cambridge University Press.
-- (1996), “The Myth of Massive Media Impact Revived: New Support for a Discredited Idea”, en Diana C. Mutz, Paul M. Sniderman y Richard A. Brody (eds.), Political Persuasion and Attitudinal Change. Michigan, Michigan University Press.
Maldonado, G., & Torcal, M. (2014). Efectos de la exposición a los medios de comunicación y la discusión en las actitudes hacia la política. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 4, 133–197. https://doi.org/10.14201/rlop.22301
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