Intergenerational Value Change and Transitions to Democracy: Toward the Consolidation of a Third Wave Generation?
Abstract The American literature has extensively studied the dynamics of early political socialization and its impact on intergenerational differences since the early 1950s (Mannheim, 1928; Jennings, Stoker and Stoker, 2004; Schuman, 2011). A key finding is that the emergence of new political generations requires salient historical events that strongly affect socialization in early political life. The comparative literature has also emphasized the relevance of early experiences in the formation of political attitudes, and mostly focused on historical events which transformed industrialized societies, identifying systematic differences in intergenerational values between pre-war and post-war cohorts (Inglehart, 1997; Inglehart and Welzel, 2005). However, the study of early political socialization in Third Wave nations and its impact on the political attitudes and behaviors of individuals born and raised under these new democratic regimes has been practically ignored (among the very few exceptions are Catterberg and Zuasnabar, 2010; Tessler, 2004, and Niemi, E. Catterberg et al., 1996). I argue that the Third Wave (3W) of democratization was a transformative experience that had a lasting impact on people’s political culture. Moreover, I argue that this impact did not necessarily imply stronger pro-democratic orientations nor did it help consolidate a “3W Generation”, since post-honeymoon effects constrained the development of pro-democratic orientations after regime change. To test these claims, I identify intergenerational differences among the 3W cohort and two older age groups after regime change in three critical dimensions of a democratic political culture: trust, tolerance and participation. I include established democracies as the control group, and compare trends in younger and established democracies among the same age groups. I use World Values Surveys (WVS) data from 1990 ?the year that most 3W democracies experienced regime change? and 2005-2007 ?the last wave that was available?. Finally, I test the generation effects hypothesis with regression analyses.
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Catterberg, Gabriela (2003), “Evaluations, Referents of Support, and Political Action in New Democracies”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology 44 (3), pp. 173-198, June.
Catterberg, Gabriela y Alejandro Moreno (2006), “The Individual Bases of Political Trust: Trends in New and Established Democracies”, en International Journal of Public Opinion Research 18 (1), pp. 31-48. in New and Established Democracies”, with Alejandro Moreno, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18 (1), pp. 31-48.
Catterberg, Gabriela and Ignacio Zuasnabar (2010), “Youth, Values and Democracy: Exploring Tolerance toward Diversity among Third Wave Generations”, with Ignacio Zuasnabar, in Ronald Inglehart et al., Changing Human Beliefs and Values, 1981-2007, México DF, Siglo XXI. Huntington, Samuel (1997), “After Twenty Years: The Future of the Third Wave”, Journal of Democracy 8 (4), pp. 3-12, October.
Inglehart, Ronald (2003), “How Solid is Cross Support for Democracy-and How Much Can We Measure It?”, Political Science and Politics 36, pp. 51-57, January.
Inglehart, Ronald (1997), Modernization and Post- Modernization, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Inglehart, Ronald and Gabriela Catterberg (2002), “Cultural Change and the Rise of Participatory Publics”, International Journal of Comparative Sociology 44(1), pp. 300-316, March, 2003.
Inglehart, Ronald and Christian Welzel (2005), Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy, New York, Cambridge University Press.
Jennings, M. Kent and Laura Stoker (2004), “Social Trust and Civic Engagement across Time and Generations”, Acta Politica 39, pp. 342-379.
Jennings, M. Kent, Laura Stoker and Jake Bowers (2009), “Politics across Generations: Familiy Transmission Reexamined”, Journal of Politics 71 (3), pp. 782-799.
Mannheim, Karl [1928] (1952), “The Problem of Generations”, in Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge, Paul Kecskemeti (ed.), pp. 276-320, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Niemi, Richard, Edgardo Catterberg, Frank Bell, and Roxana Morduchowicz (1996), “Teaching Political Information and Democratic Values in a New Democracy: An Argentine Experiment”, Comparative Politics, pp. 465-476, July.
Niemi, Richard and Mary Hepburn (1995), “The Rebirth of Political Socialization”, Perspectives on Political Science 24, p. 1.
Rawls, John (1971), A Theory of Justice, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Sartori, Giovanni (2001), La Sociedad Multiétnica. Pluralismo, Multiculturalismo, y Extranjeros, Madrid, Taurus.
Siemienska, Renata, Miguel Basanez and Alejandro Moreno (2010), “Generational Differences in Support for Democracy and Free Market Economics: Evidence from New and Established Democracies” in Ronald Inglehart et al., Changing Human Beliefs and Values, 1981-2007, México DF, Siglo XXI.
Schuman, Howard and Amy Corning (2012), “Generational Memory and the Critical Period: Evidence for National and World Events”, Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring, 76 (1), pp. 1-31.
Tessler, Mark, Carrie Konold and Megan Reif (2004), “Political Generations in Developing Countries. Evidence and Insights from Alegeria”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 68 (2), pp. 184-216.
Uslaner, Eric (2004), “Coping and Social Capital: The Informal Sector and the Democratic Transition”, paper prepared for the “Unlocking Human Potential: Linking the Formal and Informal Sectors Conference”, Helsinki, Finland, September 17-18.
Verba, Sidney, Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Henry E. Brady (1995), Voice and Equality, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Catterberg, G. (2013). Intergenerational Value Change and Transitions to Democracy: Toward the Consolidation of a Third Wave Generation?. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 3, 53–80.
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