Special Issue Introduction: Describing and Understanding Changes in Democratic Attitudes in Latin America Between 2012 and 2021: A Macro Perspective
Abstract Special Issue Introduction
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Carrión, J. F. (2008). Illiberal democracy and normative democracy: How is democracy defined in the Americas? In M. A. Seligson (ed.), Challenges to democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from the Americas Barometer 2006-07 (pp. 21–51). USAID, LAPOP.
Casper, B. A., & Tyson, S. A. (2014). Popular Protest and Elite Coordination in a Coup d’état. The Journal of Politics, 76(2), 548-564.
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Cohen, M. J., & Smith, A. E.. (2016). Do authoritarians vote for authoritarians? Evidence from Latin America. Research & Politics, 3(4), 1-8.
Cohen, M. J., Smith, A. E., Moseley, M. W., & Layton, M. L. (2023). Winners’ consent? Citizen commitment to democracy when illiberal candidates win elections. American Journal of Political Science, 67(2), 261-276.
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Graham, M. H., & Svolik, M. W. (2020). Democracy in America? Partisanship, polarization, and the robustness of support for democracy in the United States. American Political Science Review, 114(2), 392-409.
Hetherington, M., & Weiler, J. (2018). Prius or Pickup?: How the Answers to Four Simple Questions Explain America’s Great Divide. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Kiewiet de Jonge, C. P. (2016). Should researchers abandon questions about «democracy»? Evidence from Latin America. Public Opinion Quarterly, 80(3), 694-716.
König, P. D., Siewert, M. B., & Ackermann, K. (2022). Conceptualizing and measuring citizens’ preferences for democracy: Taking stock of three decades of research in a fragmented field. Comparative Political Studies, 55(12), 2015-2049.
Levitsky, S., & Ziblatt, D. (2018). How Democracies Die. Crown.
Lupu, N., & Zechmeister, E. J. (2021). The pulse of democracy in 2021. In N. Lupu, M. Rodríguez, & E. J. Zechmeister (eds.), Pulse of Democracy. LAPOP.
Lupu, N., Rodríguez, M., & Zechmeister, E. J. (2021). Pulse of Democracy. LAPOP.
Mainwaring, S., & Pérez-Liñán, A. (2013). Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America: Emergence, Survival, and Fall. Cambridge University Press.
Pérez-Liñán, A., & Polga-Hecimovich, J. (2019). Explaining military coups and impeachments in Latin America. In D. Kuehn (ed.), The Military’s Impact on Democratic Development (pp. 57-76). Routledge.
Schedler, A., & Sarsfield, R. (2007). Democrats with adjectives: Linking direct and indirect measures of democratic support. European Journal of Political Research, 46(5), 637-659.
Smith, A. E., Cohen, M. J., Moseley, M. W., & Layton, M. (2021). Rejecting authoritarianism: When values are endogenous to politics. Unpublished paper.
Visconti, G. (2020). Policy preferences after crime victimization: Panel and survey evidence from Latin America. British Journal of Political Science, 50(4), 1481-1495.
Baviskar, S., & Malone, M. F. T. (2004). What democracy means to citizens—and why it matters. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe/European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 76, 3-23.
Bermeo, N. (2016). On Democratic Backsliding. Journal of Democracy, 27(1), 5-19.
Booth, J. A., & Seligson, M. A. (2009). The Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America: Political Support and Democracy in Eight Latin American Nations. Cambridge University Press.
Campello, R. J., Moulavi, D., & Sander, J. (2013). Density-based clustering based on hierarchical density estimates. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 17th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2013, Gold Coast, Australia, April 14-17, 2013, Proceedings, Part II 17 (pp. 160-172). Springer.
Canache, D. (2012). Citizens’ conceptualizations of democracy: Structural complexity, substantive content, and political significance. Comparative Political Studies, 45(9), 1132-1158.
Carlin, R. E. (2011). Distrusting democrats and political participation in new democracies: Lessons from Chile. Political Research Quarterly, 64(3), 668-687.
Carlin, R. E., & Singer, M. M. (2011). Support for Polyarchy in the Americas. Comparative Political Studies, 44(11), 1500-1526.
Carrión, J. F. (2008). Illiberal democracy and normative democracy: How is democracy defined in the Americas? In M. A. Seligson (ed.), Challenges to democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from the Americas Barometer 2006-07 (pp. 21–51). USAID, LAPOP.
Casper, B. A., & Tyson, S. A. (2014). Popular Protest and Elite Coordination in a Coup d’état. The Journal of Politics, 76(2), 548-564.
Cassell, K. J., Booth, J. A., & Seligson, M. A. (2018). Support for coups in the Americas: Mass norms and democratization. Latin American Politics and Society, 60(4), 1-25.
Claassen, C. (2020). Does public support help democracy survive? American Journal of Political Science, 64(1), 118-34.
Cohen, M. J., & Smith, A. E.. (2016). Do authoritarians vote for authoritarians? Evidence from Latin America. Research & Politics, 3(4), 1-8.
Cohen, M. J., Smith, A. E., Moseley, M. W., & Layton, M. L. (2023). Winners’ consent? Citizen commitment to democracy when illiberal candidates win elections. American Journal of Political Science, 67(2), 261-276.
Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. E. Apter (ed.), Ideology and Discontent (pp. 206-261). University of Michigan Press
Easton, D. (1965). A Systems Analysis of Political Life. John Wiley.
Easton, D. (1975). A re-assessment of the concept of political support. British Journal of Political Science, 5, 435-437.
Graham, M. H., & Svolik, M. W. (2020). Democracy in America? Partisanship, polarization, and the robustness of support for democracy in the United States. American Political Science Review, 114(2), 392-409.
Hetherington, M., & Weiler, J. (2018). Prius or Pickup?: How the Answers to Four Simple Questions Explain America’s Great Divide. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Kiewiet de Jonge, C. P. (2016). Should researchers abandon questions about «democracy»? Evidence from Latin America. Public Opinion Quarterly, 80(3), 694-716.
König, P. D., Siewert, M. B., & Ackermann, K. (2022). Conceptualizing and measuring citizens’ preferences for democracy: Taking stock of three decades of research in a fragmented field. Comparative Political Studies, 55(12), 2015-2049.
Levitsky, S., & Ziblatt, D. (2018). How Democracies Die. Crown.
Lupu, N., & Zechmeister, E. J. (2021). The pulse of democracy in 2021. In N. Lupu, M. Rodríguez, & E. J. Zechmeister (eds.), Pulse of Democracy. LAPOP.
Lupu, N., Rodríguez, M., & Zechmeister, E. J. (2021). Pulse of Democracy. LAPOP.
Mainwaring, S., & Pérez-Liñán, A. (2013). Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America: Emergence, Survival, and Fall. Cambridge University Press.
Pérez-Liñán, A., & Polga-Hecimovich, J. (2019). Explaining military coups and impeachments in Latin America. In D. Kuehn (ed.), The Military’s Impact on Democratic Development (pp. 57-76). Routledge.
Schedler, A., & Sarsfield, R. (2007). Democrats with adjectives: Linking direct and indirect measures of democratic support. European Journal of Political Research, 46(5), 637-659.
Smith, A. E., Cohen, M. J., Moseley, M. W., & Layton, M. (2021). Rejecting authoritarianism: When values are endogenous to politics. Unpublished paper.
Visconti, G. (2020). Policy preferences after crime victimization: Panel and survey evidence from Latin America. British Journal of Political Science, 50(4), 1481-1495.
Camacho, L. A., Cohen, M. J., Cozzubo, A., Rojas, I., & Smith, A. E. (2023). Special Issue Introduction: Describing and Understanding Changes in Democratic Attitudes in Latin America Between 2012 and 2021: A Macro Perspective. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 12(2), 5–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/1852-9003/article/view/31897
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