Peru: Deep Political Dissatisfaction Weakens Support for Democracy


This paper analyzes support for democratic attitudes in Peru using data from the AmericasBarometer. It finds that democratic attitudes in Peru are consistently low, when compared to regional means. It also shows that the proportion of respondents holding consistent democratic values has decreased in the last decade or so. We attribute this decline to the growing dissatisfaction with the performance of the political system, as measured by the Satisfaction with Democracy item. We argue that this discontent expresses a dual failure of political representation: presidents do not follow the mandate they were given, and voters have no opportunity to castigate them and their parties at election time. In addition, the decision of the fujimorista party in Congress in 2016 to resort to extraordinary measures in confronting the executive branch opened a period of naked power political still affecting Peru. The failed presidency of Pedro Castillo, who disappointed even his own supporters, and this failed attempt to shut down Congress have deepened the crisis of representation.
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Author Biography

Patricia Zárate

Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
Investigador principal y directora del Grupo de Opinion Publica del Instituto de Estudios Peruanos