Aquiescencia y resistencia: el régimen de Ortega en Nicaragua


Recientemente, Nicaragua ha sido noticia por las protestas contra Daniel Ortega. Elegido legítimamente en 2006, su presidencia se ha encaminado hacia una dictadura. Inicialmente los ciudadanos consintieron, disfrutando de sus programas sociales. Cuando estos programas terminaron, también lo hizo la aquiescencia. El caso de Nicaragua muestra cómo un presidente electo puede convertirse en un dictador. También muestra los límites tanto del autoritarismo como de la aquiescencia. Es posible que los ciudadanos, silenciosos, solo hayan llegado a un trato desesperado, que terminará cuando terminen los programas sociales.
  • Referencias
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Biografia do Autor

Leslie Elin Anderson

University of Florida
Leslie E. Anderson is a University of Florida Research Foundation Professor of Political Science and was a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow 2017-2018.  She has written The Political Ecology of the Modern Peasant, (Hopkins, 1994), Learning Democracy:  Citizen Engagement and Electoral Choice in Nicaragua, 1990-2001, with Lawrence Dodd, (Chicago, 2005), Social Capital in Developing Democracies:  Nicaragua and Argentina Compared, (Cambridge, 2010), Democratization by Institutions:  Argentina’s Transition Years in Comparative Perspective, (Michigan, 2016) and numerous articles.

Lawrence Cloyd Dodd

University of Florida
Lawrence C. Dodd is the Manning J. Dauer Eminent Scholar in Political Science at the University of Florida. His research interests have spanned the study of cabinet formation and maintenance in parliamentary democracies; cycles of electoral, organizational and regime change in the U. S. Congress; and democratization in Latin America.

Won-ho Park

Seoul National University
Won-ho Park is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University and is Secretary of Research for the Korean Political Science Association. His research interests include quantitative methods, voting behavior, comparative elections, and public opinion.  His recent work appears in Electoral Studies, Korean Political Science Review, and Peace Studies, some written in Korean. 