Aid for trade in Latin America: analysis and characterization of the flows

  • Fernando Rueda-Junquera
    Universidad de Burgos frueda[at]
  • Mariola Gozalo-Delgado
    Universidad de Burgos


The Initiative of Aid for Trade, launched in 2005 during the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, aims to articulate a coherent strategy to support trade as an engine of growth and poverty reduction in developing countries. It has expanded both the conceptual scope of this type of interventions (going beyond the limits of the classic technical assistance) and the coverage of beneficiary countries (taking into account not only the least developed countries, but also the middle income countries –among them, the Latin American ones–). The goal of this article is to identify and analyze the main characteristics of the aid for trade flows in the case of 17 Latin American countries, assessing to what extent these characteristics adapt to the needs and priorities of recipient countries.
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  • Métricas
Rueda-Junquera, F., & Gozalo-Delgado, M. (2012). Aid for trade in Latin America: analysis and characterization of the flows. América Latina Hoy, 63, 15–44.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Rueda-Junquera

Universidad de Burgos
Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Universidad de Burgos. Plaza Infanta Elena s/n – 09001, Burgos (España)

Mariola Gozalo-Delgado

Universidad de Burgos
Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Universidad de Burgos. Plaza Infanta Elena s/n – 09001, Burgos (España)