egislative cohesiveness in the most important chamber: The case of the Senate in Chile, 1990-2018


In bicameral systems, it is wrong to apply findings from one chamber to the other. After discussing the determinants of legislative cohesion, we postulate 6 hypotheses that we test with the 4741 roll call votes in the Chilean Senate between 1990 and 2018. Ruling coalitions are more cohesive than opposition coalitions. More important, more advanced bills and those introduced by the executive do not induce to more cohesion among coalitions. There is less cohesion in the last year, but not more cohesion in the first year of a term.
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Author Biographies

Hernán Campos-Parra

Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile
Political scientist from Universidad Diego Portales and Master in Government in the Catholic University of Chile. Her´nán has published articles on legislative behavior in Chile in Política y Gobierno (México) and Colombia Internacional. 

Patricio Daniel Navia

New York University/ Universidad Diego Portales
Clinical Professor of Liberal Studies, Liberal Studies Program, New York University. Profesor titular de ciencia politica, Escuela de Ciencia Politica, Universidad Diego Portales