La influencia de las ciudades y su gestión ambiental en la satisfacción con la vida: perspectivas urbanas y rurales
Resumen Este estudio analiza la influencia del tamaño de la ciudad en la satisfacción con la vida de la población ecuatoriana, distinguiendo entre residentes rurales y urbanos y observando el efecto de la gestión ambiental. Usando variables individuales y cantonales se estima un modelo logit ordinal. Los resultados sugieren las personas que viven en cantones más poblados reportan un menor nivel de satisfacción. Este efecto varía para residentes urbanos y rurales. La gestión ambiental es positiva para la satisfacción con la vida.
- Referencias
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Bailey, N. y Minton, J. (2018). The suburbanisation of poverty in British cities, 2004-16: extent, processes and nature. Urban Geography, 39(6), 892-915.
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Binder, M. y Coad, A. (2013). Life satisfaction and self-employment: a matching approach. Small Business Economics, 40(4), 1009-1033.
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Diener, E. y Ryan, K. (2009). Subjective Well-Being: A General Overview. South African Journal of Psychology, 39(4), 391-406.
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Graham, C. y Pettinato, S. (2001). Happiness, Markets, and Democracy: Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(3), 237-268.
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INEC. (2015). Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo.
Jorm, A. F. y Ryan, S. M. (2014). Cross-national and historical differences in subjective well-being. International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(2), 330-340.
Kahneman, D. y Deaton, A. (2010). High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(38), 16489-16493.
Kingdon, G. G. y Knight, J. (2007). Community, comparisons and subjective well-being in a divided society. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 64(1), 69-90.
Knight, J. y Gunatilaka, R. (2010). Great Expectations? The Subjective Well-being of Rural-Urban Migrants in China. World Development, 38(1), 113-124.
Lee, K. S. y Ono, H. (2012). Marriage, Cohabitation, and Happiness: A Cross-National Analysis of 27 Countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(5), 953-972.
Lenzi, C. y Perucca, G. (2016). Life Satisfaction across Cities: Evidence from Romania. The Journal of Development Studies, 52(7), 1062-1077.
Liu, H., Gao, H. y Huang, Q. (2020). Better Government, Happier Residents? Quality of Government and Life Satisfaction in China. Social Indicators Research, 147(3), 971-990.
López Ulloa, B. F., Møller, V. y Sousa-Poza, A. (2013). How Does Subjective Well-Being Evolve with Age? A Literature Review. Journal of Population Ageing, 6(3), 227-246.
Lucas, R. y Dyrenforth, P. (2006). Does the existence of social relationships matter for subjective well-being? En K. D. Vohs y E. J. Finkel (Eds.), Self and Relationships: Connecter Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Processes (pp. 254-273). The Guilford Press.
Marchettini, N., Ridolfi, R. y Rustici, M. (2007). An environmental analysis for comparing waste management options and strategies. Waste Management, 27(4), 562-571.
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Mastekaasa, A. (1993). Marital status and subjective well-being: A changing relationship? Social Indicators Research, 29(3), 249-276.
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Morrison, P. S. (2011). Local expressions of subjective well-being: The New Zealand experience. Regional Studies, 45(8), 1039-1058.
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Ott, J. C. (2011). Government and Happiness in 130 Nations: Good Governance Fosters Higher Level and More Equality of Happiness. Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 3-22.
Pandey, V. C. y Singh, V. (2019). Exploring the Potential and Opportunities of Current Tools for Removal of Hazardous Materials From Environments. En V. Pandey, & K. Bauddh (Eds.) Phytomanagement of Polluted Sites (pp. 501-516). Elsevier.
Pontarollo, N., Orellana, M. y Segovia, J. (2020). The Determinants of Subjective Well-Being in a Developing Country: The Ecuadorian Case. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(8), 3007-3035.
Puga, D. (2010). The magnitude and causes of agglomeration economies. Journal of Regional Science, 50(1), 203-219.
Rojas, M. (2008). Experienced Poverty and Income Poverty in Mexico: A Subjective Well-Being Approach. World Development, 36(6), 1078-1093.
Rusell, H., Watson D., & Mcginnity F. (2013). Unemployment and Subjective Well-Being. En G. Duncan (Ed.), Economic Crisis, Quality of Work, and Social Integration (pp. 229-255). Oxford University Press.
Shams, K. (2014). Determinants of Subjective Well-Being and Poverty in Rural Pakistan: A Micro-Level Study. Social Indicators Research, 119(3), 1755-1773.
Smarter Cambridge Transport. (2016). Urban congestion inquiry.
Srivastava, V., Ismail, S. A., Singh, P. y Singh, R. P. (2015). Urban solid waste management in the developing world with emphasis on India: challenges and opportunities. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 14(2), 317-337.
Stickley, A., Koyanagi, A., Roberts, B., Goryakin, Y. y McKee, M. (2015). Crime and subjective well-being in the countries of the former Soviet Union. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1010.
Tella, R. Di y MacCulloch, R. (2006). Some Uses of Happiness Data in Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(1), 25-46.
Ukaogo, P. O., Ewuzie, U. y Onwuka, C. V. (2020). Environmental pollution: causes, effects, and the remedies. En P. Chowdhary, A. Raj, D. Verma, & Y. Akhter (Eds.), Microorganisms for Sustainable Environment and Health (pp. 419-429). Elsevier.
Veenhoven, R. (1996). The study of life-satisfaction. En W. E. Saris, R. Veenhoven, A. C. Scherpenzeel, & B. Bunting (Eds.), A comparative study of satisfaction with life in Europe (pp. 11-48). EOtvOs University Press.
Winters, J. V. y Li, Y. (2016). Urbanisation, natural amenities and subjective well-being: Evidence from US counties. Urban Studies, 54(8), 1956-1973.
Witter, R. A., Okun, M. A., Stock, W. A. y Haring, M. J. (1984). Education and Subjective Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6(2), 165.
World Bank. (2018). Los desechos: un análisis actualizado del futuro de la gestión de los desechos sólidos.
Yakovlev, P. y Leguizamon, S. (2012). Ignorance is not bliss: On the role of education in subjective well-being. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 41(6), 806-815.
Yuan, L., Shin, K. y Managi, S. (2018). Subjective Well-being and Environmental Quality: The Impact of Air Pollution and Green Coverage in China. Ecological Economics, 153, 124-138.
Yukalang, N., Clarke, B. y Ross, K. (2018). Solid Waste Management Solutions for a Rapidly Urbanizing Area in Thailand: Recommendations Based on Stakeholder Input. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7), 1302.
Zweig, J. S. (2015). Are Women Happier than Men? Evidence from the Gallup World Poll. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(2), 515-541.
Ahuvia, A. C. (2002). Individualism/Collectivism and Cultures of Happiness: A Theoretical Conjecture on the Relationship between Consumption, Culture and Subjective Well-Being at the National Level. Journal of Happiness Studies, 3(1), 23-36.
Appleton, S. y Song, L. (2008). Life Satisfaction in Urban China: Components and Determinants. World Development, 36(11), 2325-2340.
Asamblea Constituyente. (2008). Constitución de la República del Ecuador.
Asamblea Nacional. (2010). Código Orgánico de Organización Territorial, Autonomía y Descentralización de Ecuador.
Bailey, N., L. Stewart, J. y Minton, J. (2019). The welfare consequences of the suburbanisation of poverty in UK cities: air pollution and school quality. Urban Development Issues, 61(1), 15-32.
Bailey, N. y Minton, J. (2018). The suburbanisation of poverty in British cities, 2004-16: extent, processes and nature. Urban Geography, 39(6), 892-915.
Berry, B. J. L. y Okulicz-Kozaryn, A. (2009). Dissatisfaction with city life: A new look at some old questions. Cities, 26(3), 117-124.
Binder, M. y Coad, A. (2013). Life satisfaction and self-employment: a matching approach. Small Business Economics, 40(4), 1009-1033.
Borck, R. (2007). Consumption and social life in cities: Evidence from Germany. Urban Studies, 44(11), 2105-2121.
Clark, A. E. y Oswald, A. J. (1994). Unhappiness and Unemployment. The Economic Journal, 104(424), 648-659.
CNC. (2019). Mapeo de actores generadores de información a nivel territorial e identificación de fuentes de información de la competencia de desechos sólidos. Consejo Nacional de Competencias.
Coombs, R. H. (1991). Marital Status and Personal Well-Being: A Literature Review. Family Relations, 40(1), 97-102.
Crum, M. y Chen, Y. (2015). Self-employment and subjective well-being: A multi-country analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 19(1), pp. 15-28.
Di Tella, R., MacCulloch, R. J. y Oswald, A. J. (2001). Preferences over Inflation and Unemployment: Evidence from Surveys of Happiness. American Economic Review, 91(1), 335-341.
Diener, E., Diener, M. y Diener, C. (1995). Factors predicting the subjective well-being of nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69(5), 851-864.
Diener, E., Oishi, S. y Lucas, R. E. (2003). Personality, Culture, and Subjective Well-Being: Emotional and Cognitive Evaluations of Life. Annual Review of Psychology, 54(1), 403-425.
Diener, E. y Ryan, K. (2009). Subjective Well-Being: A General Overview. South African Journal of Psychology, 39(4), 391-406.
Diener, E., Suh, E. M., Lucas, R. E. y Smith, H. L. (1999). Subjective well-being: Three decades of progress. Psychological Bulletin, 125(2), 276-302.
Easterlin, R. A., Angelescu, L. y Zweig, J. S. (2011). The Impact of Modern Economic Growth on Urban-Rural Differences in Subjective Well-Being. World Development, 39(12), 2187-2198.
Federal Environment Agency. (2014, January). Waste management. Umwelt Bundesamt.
Ferronato, N. y Torretta, V. (2019). Waste Mismanagement in Developing Countries: A Review of Global Issues. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), 1060.
Glaeser, E. L., Gottlieb, J. D. y Ziv, O. (2016). Unhappy Cities. Journal of Labor Economics, 34(S2), S129-S182.
Graham, C. y Pettinato, S. (2001). Happiness, Markets, and Democracy: Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(3), 237-268.
Guardiola, J. y García-Quero, F. (2014). Buen Vivir (living well) in Ecuador: Community and environmental satisfaction without household material prosperity? Ecological Economics, 107, 177-184.
Halman, L. (1996). Individualism in Individualized Society? International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 37(3-4), 195-214. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 7 Feb. 2023.
Hanslmaier, M. (2013). Crime, fear and subjective well-being: How victimization and street crime affect fear and life satisfaction. European Journal of Criminology, 10(5), 515-533.
Helliwell, J. F. (2003). How’s life? Combining individual and national variables to explain subjective well-being. Economic Modelling, 20(2), 331-360.
Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., Sachs, J. y De Neve, J.-E. (2020). World Happiness Report 2020.
Henderson, V. (2003). The Urbanization Process and Economic Growth: The So-What Question. Journal of Economic Growth, 8(1), 47-71.
Hnilica, K. (2011). Discrimination and Subjective Well-Being: Protective Influences of Membership in a Discriminated Category. Central European Journal of Public Health, 19(1), 3-6.
Hussain, C. M. y Keçili, R. (2020). Environmental pollution and environmental analysis. En Modern Environmental Analysis Techniques for Pollutants (pp. 1-36). Elsevier.
INEC. (2014). Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo.
INEC. (2015). Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo.
Jorm, A. F. y Ryan, S. M. (2014). Cross-national and historical differences in subjective well-being. International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(2), 330-340.
Kahneman, D. y Deaton, A. (2010). High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(38), 16489-16493.
Kingdon, G. G. y Knight, J. (2007). Community, comparisons and subjective well-being in a divided society. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 64(1), 69-90.
Knight, J. y Gunatilaka, R. (2010). Great Expectations? The Subjective Well-being of Rural-Urban Migrants in China. World Development, 38(1), 113-124.
Lee, K. S. y Ono, H. (2012). Marriage, Cohabitation, and Happiness: A Cross-National Analysis of 27 Countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(5), 953-972.
Lenzi, C. y Perucca, G. (2016). Life Satisfaction across Cities: Evidence from Romania. The Journal of Development Studies, 52(7), 1062-1077.
Liu, H., Gao, H. y Huang, Q. (2020). Better Government, Happier Residents? Quality of Government and Life Satisfaction in China. Social Indicators Research, 147(3), 971-990.
López Ulloa, B. F., Møller, V. y Sousa-Poza, A. (2013). How Does Subjective Well-Being Evolve with Age? A Literature Review. Journal of Population Ageing, 6(3), 227-246.
Lucas, R. y Dyrenforth, P. (2006). Does the existence of social relationships matter for subjective well-being? En K. D. Vohs y E. J. Finkel (Eds.), Self and Relationships: Connecter Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Processes (pp. 254-273). The Guilford Press.
Marchettini, N., Ridolfi, R. y Rustici, M. (2007). An environmental analysis for comparing waste management options and strategies. Waste Management, 27(4), 562-571.
Meisenberg, G. y Woodley, M. (2015). Gender Differences in Subjective Well-Being and Their Relationships with Gender Equality, Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(6), 1539-1555.
Mastekaasa, A. (1993). Marital status and subjective well-being: A changing relationship? Social Indicators Research, 29(3), 249-276.
Ministerio del Ambiente y Agua. (n. d.). Programa Nacional para la Gestión Integral de Desechos Sólidos (PNGIDS) Ecuador.
Morrison, P. S. (2011). Local expressions of subjective well-being: The New Zealand experience. Regional Studies, 45(8), 1039-1058.
Moulton, B. R. (1986). Random group effects and the precision of regression estimates. Journal of Econometrics, 32(3), 385-397.
Ott, J. C. (2011). Government and Happiness in 130 Nations: Good Governance Fosters Higher Level and More Equality of Happiness. Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 3-22.
Pandey, V. C. y Singh, V. (2019). Exploring the Potential and Opportunities of Current Tools for Removal of Hazardous Materials From Environments. En V. Pandey, & K. Bauddh (Eds.) Phytomanagement of Polluted Sites (pp. 501-516). Elsevier.
Pontarollo, N., Orellana, M. y Segovia, J. (2020). The Determinants of Subjective Well-Being in a Developing Country: The Ecuadorian Case. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(8), 3007-3035.
Puga, D. (2010). The magnitude and causes of agglomeration economies. Journal of Regional Science, 50(1), 203-219.
Rojas, M. (2008). Experienced Poverty and Income Poverty in Mexico: A Subjective Well-Being Approach. World Development, 36(6), 1078-1093.
Rusell, H., Watson D., & Mcginnity F. (2013). Unemployment and Subjective Well-Being. En G. Duncan (Ed.), Economic Crisis, Quality of Work, and Social Integration (pp. 229-255). Oxford University Press.
Shams, K. (2014). Determinants of Subjective Well-Being and Poverty in Rural Pakistan: A Micro-Level Study. Social Indicators Research, 119(3), 1755-1773.
Smarter Cambridge Transport. (2016). Urban congestion inquiry.
Srivastava, V., Ismail, S. A., Singh, P. y Singh, R. P. (2015). Urban solid waste management in the developing world with emphasis on India: challenges and opportunities. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 14(2), 317-337.
Stickley, A., Koyanagi, A., Roberts, B., Goryakin, Y. y McKee, M. (2015). Crime and subjective well-being in the countries of the former Soviet Union. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 1010.
Tella, R. Di y MacCulloch, R. (2006). Some Uses of Happiness Data in Economics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(1), 25-46.
Ukaogo, P. O., Ewuzie, U. y Onwuka, C. V. (2020). Environmental pollution: causes, effects, and the remedies. En P. Chowdhary, A. Raj, D. Verma, & Y. Akhter (Eds.), Microorganisms for Sustainable Environment and Health (pp. 419-429). Elsevier.
Veenhoven, R. (1996). The study of life-satisfaction. En W. E. Saris, R. Veenhoven, A. C. Scherpenzeel, & B. Bunting (Eds.), A comparative study of satisfaction with life in Europe (pp. 11-48). EOtvOs University Press.
Winters, J. V. y Li, Y. (2016). Urbanisation, natural amenities and subjective well-being: Evidence from US counties. Urban Studies, 54(8), 1956-1973.
Witter, R. A., Okun, M. A., Stock, W. A. y Haring, M. J. (1984). Education and Subjective Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6(2), 165.
World Bank. (2018). Los desechos: un análisis actualizado del futuro de la gestión de los desechos sólidos.
Yakovlev, P. y Leguizamon, S. (2012). Ignorance is not bliss: On the role of education in subjective well-being. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 41(6), 806-815.
Yuan, L., Shin, K. y Managi, S. (2018). Subjective Well-being and Environmental Quality: The Impact of Air Pollution and Green Coverage in China. Ecological Economics, 153, 124-138.
Yukalang, N., Clarke, B. y Ross, K. (2018). Solid Waste Management Solutions for a Rapidly Urbanizing Area in Thailand: Recommendations Based on Stakeholder Input. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7), 1302.
Zweig, J. S. (2015). Are Women Happier than Men? Evidence from the Gallup World Poll. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(2), 515-541.
Guevara, C., & Salazar, Y. (2023). La influencia de las ciudades y su gestión ambiental en la satisfacción con la vida: perspectivas urbanas y rurales. América Latina Hoy, 92, 67–94.
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