The physician (2013): Medicine in the Middle Ages

  • Emilio Pintor Holguín
    Universidad Europea de Madrid emilio.pintor[at]
  • Nieves Martínez Alsina
    Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Maria Josefa Gutiérrez Cisneros
    Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Benjamín Herreros Ruiz-Valdepeñas
    Universidad Europea de Madrid


England, XI century, an 8-year-old orphan becomes a surgeon-barber apprentice. Learning basic skills of this trade (pulling teeth, bloodletting and minor surgeries) but this is not enough. So he decides to become a physician travelling to Middle East, where the most famous medical school of the world was. In Persia, he will be able to enroll as student at Ibn Sina´s madrasa (Avicenna) where he will receive theoretical and practical training in medicine as well as other disciplines to become a physician.
  • Referencias
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Pintor Holguín, E. ., Martínez Alsina, N. ., Gutiérrez Cisneros, M. J. ., & Herreros Ruiz-Valdepeñas, B. . (2021). The physician (2013): Medicine in the Middle Ages. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 17(2), 93–101.

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Author Biographies

Nieves Martínez Alsina

Universidad Europea de Madrid

Maria Josefa Gutiérrez Cisneros

Universidad Europea de Madrid

Benjamín Herreros Ruiz-Valdepeñas

Universidad Europea de Madrid