A contribution to the origin of masks

  • Francisco S. Lozano Sánchez
    Universidad de Salamanca


The masks, of proven efficacy from the 19th century (antisepsis-asepsis), have been updated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 1897, the surgeon Jan Mikulicz (1850-1905) was the creator of surgical masks, by demonstrating the theory of infection by drops of saliva (Flügge). However, there are «pre-scientific» precedents that we know mainly through engravings (17th century) and paintings (18th century). We present a work by the Baroque painter Michel Serre (1658-1773), where people are seen wearing masks during the great plague of Marseille in 1720.
  • Referencias
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Lozano Sánchez, F. S. . (2021). A contribution to the origin of masks. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 17(2), 155–159. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc2021172155159


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