The Citadel (1938) by King Vidor: Lights and shadows in the practice of professionalism


The Citadel (1938) by King Vidor, is a film that narrates the professional life of Dr. Andrew Manson, from his enthusiastic start as a recently graduated doctor in a mining town in Wales, where he works passionately in different cases regardless of the circumstances, until his arrival in London where he sees his purpose distorted as he enters the elite of the city. With the help of his wife Christine, he will try to regain the meaning of medicine. Throughout the film the thin line that divides the good exercise of professionalism is exhibited. For this reason, this paper reflects on medicine as a profession, its relationship with society, and highlights the importance of education in the humanities for strengthening ethical discernment in future health professionals
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Hernández-Yépez, P. J. (2021). The Citadel (1938) by King Vidor: Lights and shadows in the practice of professionalism. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 17(1), 17–24.


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Author Biography

Palmer José Hernández-Yépez

Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener
Facultad de Medicina Humana. Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener (Perú)