Murder in the air from the perpetrator’s mind: On board Flight 9525 Germanwings

  • María Aldecua Tejero
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Citlalli Abigail Garcia Mezo
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Martín Inurreta Díaz
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Leticia Lizama Rubio
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Carlos Daniel Velasco Bonilla
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Nina Isabel Méndez Domínguez
    Universidad Marista de Mérida ninuxka[at]


Mental health is a fundamental component of human well-being, but when this component is affected in the life of an individual who has the responsibility of other people's lives, no one is exempt from suffering the consequences of such instability. Mayday Air Catastrophes: Flight 9525 Germanwings - Murder in the Air (2016) recounts the events surrounding the co-pilot responsible for the catastrophe, while it takes us into the mind of the perpetrator, placing us in the context in which it developed and allowing us to understand in retrospect the fundamental points that could have served as alarm signals and invites us to reflect on the prevention routes that could potentially have been implemented. Although the organic conditions of the co-pilot showed to be healthy, a combination of anxiety and depression detonated by the workload and the lack of belonging could be addressed from preventive medicine and lifestyle medicine.Pilots and co-pilots make up a guild of professionals exposed to lifestyles that can affect their stability and mental health and that is why the importance of the implementation of preventive measures is highlighted, which could be applied to avoid the tragedy of the Germanwings 9525 It took off from Barcelona Airport with a hundred and fifty passengers on board, but never reached its destination. In this article, we discuss the importance of addressing the health of pilots and co-pilots using the multilevel models in the Germanwings case, from the perspective of the preventive medicine.
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