A fight for life with xeroderma pigmentosum at The others (2001) Mansion

  • Esteban Aguilar Vargas
    Universidad Marista de Mérida esteban.aguilar.vargass[at]gmail.com
  • Víctor Manuel Ayuso Díaz
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Nina Isabel Méndez Domínguez
    Universidad Marista de Mérida


During our medical practice we could find patients who have allergies or atypical reactions to elements that are commonly seen around them, but sometimes we can find severe atypical reactions like the lesions that characterizes the xenoderma pigmentosum. The others  (2001), film wrote and directed by Alejandro Amenábar, makes us witnesses of the struggle and constant battle of Grace for keeping their children healthy against the effect of the sun.  The plot allows us to feel the anxiety, stress and frustration that characterizes the inhabitants of the mansion, before a situation that finally, was resolved definitively with the high cost, their own life. Finally, death turns out to be for the inhabitants, a revealing and liberating way that allows them to recover joy and serenity.
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Aguilar Vargas, E., Ayuso Díaz, V. M., & Méndez Domínguez, N. I. (2019). A fight for life with xeroderma pigmentosum at The others (2001) Mansion. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 15(2), 81–88. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc20191528188

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