Moulin Rouge (2001) in the cultural formation of students of medicine


The formation of doctors presently XXI century, they drive to a cultural education that stimulates the artistic and scientific knowledge, in which the cinema is linked as an entity facilitator to the educational one and the individual to achieve a projection of its professional practice that elevates the relevancy of its administration and of the public institution in charge of the health, in this sense they stand out films like Moulin Rouge (2001) that very employee stimulates, by means of the debate, the creative learning of the students who you/they play a more active part in the search of the knowledge starting from the complex situations of the life that are reflected in the film material.
  • Referencias
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García Torres, D. S. (2019). Moulin Rouge (2001) in the cultural formation of students of medicine. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 15(1), 33–36. Retrieved from

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