Medical Corporatism in the Cinema

  • Constantino Mañez-Arocas
    Centro de Salud de Massanassa. Valencia (España).
  • Vicente Ramón Cabedo-García
    Centro de Salud Barranquet. Castellón (España). vcabedog71[at]


We carry out a systematic search for films on specialized websites regardless of duration, nationality, genre or year of production. The exclusion criteria were: animated films and television series. After viewing 24 films, we selected six of them looking for quality films, not very well-known and for corporatism to form an important part of the script. In all of them and in different formats (comedy, drama, …) corporatism is presented as a form of corruption that doctors can fall into, having to always put the patient's health first and not his interests and perks. The analysis and commentary of all these films can be very useful for the teaching of health sciences, helping to avoid undesirable situations that have corporatism as responsible.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Mañez Arocas C, Cabedo Garcia VR. Epidemias erradicables en seis películas a redescubrir. Rev. Med. Cine. 2021; 16(e), 339-350.

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Ludovico Longhi. El injusto olvido de Luigi Zampa. I Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine, 2008. ISBN 978-84-691-0824-6, págs. 838-847
Mañez-Arocas, C., & Cabedo-García, V. R. (2024). Medical Corporatism in the Cinema. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 20(1), 17–33.


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