The End of Medicine (2022). Aesthetics and Social Communication of the Pandemic as Forms of Governance against the Hyperbole of Disinformation


The aim of this paper is to analyze a selection of discourses of the documentary film The End of Medicine (2022) in order to shed light on the complexity of the net of factors involved in the relationships among humans and non-humans during the pandemic. Documentary film is one of the main aesthetic tools with which we find proceedings of institutions and socio-political agents of an event publicly. Therefore, the article discusses this documental film as an exercise of social communication of science, with a methodology that classifies some of the arguments from a critical and discursive view. Thus offering a mapping of the contexts of what is presented as the main threat to health, such as resistance to antibiotics. Contexts that are sustained in environments in which wet markets, intensive farms, zoonosis or the wild animal market are improved. All of these pose a challenge both to health and to the governance of our institutions. Although the last one is diluted at many points, as we will see in the article, such as in the case of racism against Asian communities during the pandemic. All in all, this paper offers, thanks to the documentary film, multiple possibilities of situating ourselves in the complexities of a map that requires the strengthening of the different possible modes of governance to guarantee the fundamental rights of citizens.
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