A Translator (2018): Mental Illness and Adjustment Disorder


Medicina en Fotogramas. A Translator (2018): Mental Illness and Adjustment Disorder
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Cândido Moura, W. H., & Reberte Cunha Rossi, M. L. (2022). A Translator (2018): Mental Illness and Adjustment Disorder. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 18(3), 293–304. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc.28753


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Author Biographies

Willian Henrique Cândido Moura

School of Communication and Arts, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Graduate Program in Translation Studies, School of Communication and Arts, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Maykon Luiz Reberte Cunha Rossi

Federal University of Santa Catarina
Professional Master's Program in Mental Health and Psychosocial Supports, School of Health Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.