The disease of jealousy in the cinema

  • Constantino Mañez Arocas
    Centro de Salud de Massanassa. Valencia
  • Vicente Ramon Cabedo Garcia
    Centro de Salud Barranquet. Castellon vcabedog71[at]


OBJECTIVE: To study unhealthy jealousy in the cinema DESIGN: Descriptive analysis after a systematical review of films METHOD: Selection of films on specialized websites regardless of the footage, nationality, genre or year of production. Being exclusion criteria animation films and TV series. Analysis of selected films obtaining variables of interest regarding the subject studied. RESULTS: 79 films selected and analyzed from whose study the most relevant information is obtained: most of the films come from the United States and France, made in the 1940s and 1950s. Few films based on real events. Suicide as the majority outcome of the cellopath. Irrelevance of the social class or profession. Little concomitant pathology. Prevalence of a strictly sentimental jealousy. Generalized cellopathic violence in the form of physical aggression as the most obvious sign of celotypic behavior. DISCUSSION: Rare awareness of cellopathic disease that makes their social status irrelevant. Violence and mistreatment that lead to the murder of the loved one. Comorbidity from alcohol abuse because it is an easily accessible drug. Absence of vicarious gender violence. Male prevalence as a cellopathic patient due to his preponderant family role. Absence of risk factors in the development of zealotypic personalities.
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Author Biography

Vicente Ramon Cabedo Garcia

Centro de Salud Barranquet. Castellon
Medico de Familia Jefe Zona Básica de Salud Barranquet (Castellón) Licenciado Sociología