I was the murderer! Or the Dissociative Identity Disorder in the cinema


The cinema has been especially attracted by the portrayal of mental illness and those suffering from it. Of all the disturbances of the human mind currently known, Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder) is undoubtedly the one that has best served script-writers and directors in their films. The surprising manifestations of this illness mean that it is particularly suited as a support for some rather elusive and effect-oriented plots based on unexpected turns of the action that spark the surprise of the spectator. However, the marked interest of the seventh art in dissociative identity disorder has not led to a correct interpretation of the pathology; quite the contrary, in most cases it has been presented in a mistaken and confusing light.
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Vera Poseck, B. (2008). I was the murderer! Or the Dissociative Identity Disorder in the cinema. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 2(4), 125–132. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/193


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