Ma ma (2015). A reflection of the Spanish woman with breast cáncer

  • Clara Peralta Nueno
  • Marta Peralta Campo
  • Raquel Salillas Guillén
  • Lidia Sanz Pérez
  • Andrea Barlés Sauras
  • Deborah Naverac Bonet


Ma ma (2015) is a Spanish drama film directed by Julio Medem and produced by Morena Films. This film tells the story of Magda’s life, whose character is interpreted by Penélope Cruz. After being diagnosed with a breast cancer, Magda, an unemployed teacher, will not know how to act nor how this disease will change her life. But little by little, she will bring into the surface all her vital energy. Breast cancer represents the most frequent type of cancer among women. Although the majority of the identified risk factors can be modified, the health systems focus on activities that let strengthen the primary prevention and activities of secondary and tertiary prevention. The early detection and the right treatment are essential to fight against this disease. The emotional process caused by the presence of cancer involves a mechanism of psychic reconstitution that allows the patient develop an answer to the organic, cognitive, social, and emotional challenges they have to deal with. This process is easier when they have a solid socio-family support network among other factors.
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Peralta Nueno, C., Peralta Campo, M., Salillas Guillén, R., Sanz Pérez, L., Barlés Sauras, A., & Naverac Bonet, D. (2017). Ma ma (2015). A reflection of the Spanish woman with breast cáncer. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 13(4), 177–181. Retrieved from

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