The cinema as an instrument for a better understanding of human nature

  • Wilson Astudillo Alarcón
    Centro de Salud de Bidebieta-La Paz. San Sebastián wastu[at]
  • Carmen Mendinueta Aguirre
    Centro de Salud de Astigarraga. Gipuzkoa


The cinema is a powerful cultural tool that allows us to gain insight into some elements of the human condition through images and sound that is enriched with all the fine arts with a view to sparking the intellect and the emotions. It attempts to reach the spectator through empathy with the characters and the projection of one’s own experience onto what is seen on the screen. Here we review the importance of mirror neurons and of empathy so that spectators can feel close to the situations and circumstances portrayed on the screen and the need for proper training to understand the medium better.
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Astudillo Alarcón, W., & Mendinueta Aguirre, C. (2008). The cinema as an instrument for a better understanding of human nature. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 4(3), 131–136. Retrieved from


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