Shadowlands (1993): Grief as a process of life, sickness and death

  • Carmen de la Fuente Hontañón
    Centro de Salud Plaza del Ejército carmenfuente.hontanon[at]
  • Lorea García Ugarte
    Centro de Salud Plaza del Ejército
  • Ana González Fernández
    Centro de Salud Plaza del Ejército


Grief, which is a normal reaction to the loss of a loved one, is a stressing life event of first order. The death of one’s spouse is perhaps the most stressing situation that a person has to go through in their life. Shadowlands portrays the life of the Irish writer C.S.Lewis and his relationship with the American poet Helen Joy Davidman until she died of bone cancer. Through marvellous imagery we are offered a thought-provoking view of the pain that accompanies loving another.
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Fuente Hontañón, C. de la, García Ugarte, L., & González Fernández, A. (2008). Shadowlands (1993): Grief as a process of life, sickness and death. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 4(3), 99–107. Retrieved from


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