To read Tolstoy, does it make us better doctors? Reflexions on «The death of Ivan Ilich»


The understanding of the illness process, the discovery of the own disease and the attitude of people that surround the patient is a subject of outstanding importance in the medical training. However, the understanding of the complex psychological phenomena which appear in these situations is not easy for those who have not been sick or have had family members who have suffered serious illnesses. Simply reading of an essay that discusses theoretically the complex relationships that the disease can cause does not allow a good understanding of what actually happens. The death of Ivan Ilich is a major work to approach the feelings of people that suffer a serious disease. It allows recognizing how the illness progressively reduces the physical capabilities and also causes an unbearable physical and moral pain. Pain is still worsened by the attitudes of relatives and friends who ignore the suffering that patients endure. This Tolstoy’s novel is an important contribution to the full understanding of all these situations through fiction.
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Baños, J. E., & Guardiola, E. (2016). To read Tolstoy, does it make us better doctors? Reflexions on «The death of Ivan Ilich». Journal of Medicine and Movies, 12(3), 170–176. Retrieved from

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Josep E Baños

Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Departamento de Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Dr. Aiguader 88. 08003?Barcelona (España).

Elena Guardiola

Química Farmacéutica Bayer
Química Farmacéutica Bayer . Av. Baix Llobregat, 3-5 – 08970 - Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona, España.