Recognition and cinema: new ways of approaching

  • José Luis García Martínez
    Universidad de Valencia joseluisgarcia32[at]
  • Daniela Gallegos Salazar
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Carmen Gómez Moruno
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Víctor J. Suberviola Collados
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Carmen Blanes Pérez
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Ana María Costa Alcaraz
    Universidad de Valencia


Along the following lines we propose the use of films for educational purposes. Our main argument, based on philosophical grounds, shows the use of film format to emphasize and understand people’s motivations and actions. The reflections brought about by empathy with the characters are the first step in the approach of the topic of recognition, a term that in the medical framework involves taking into account the various aspects of inter-human relationships. Recognition of “the other” as he/she stands, implies addressing differences and providing a better doctor-patient relationship. The analysis of several films might encourage the acknowledgement of recognition as one of the key concepts to understand our ways of relating within plural societies with different lifestyles and different outlooks on the world. We believe that the effort made in dealing with such topics results in greater closeness to the patient and, therefore, better care.
  • Referencias
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García Martínez, J. L., Gallegos Salazar, D., Gómez Moruno, C., Suberviola Collados, V. J., Blanes Pérez, C., & Costa Alcaraz, A. M. (2012). Recognition and cinema: new ways of approaching. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 8(1), 19–29. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

José Luis García Martínez

Universidad de Valencia
Despacho nº 607. Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Moral y Política. Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 E. 46010 Valencia (España).

Daniela Gallegos Salazar

Universidad de Valencia
Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 E. 46010 Valencia (España).

Carmen Gómez Moruno

Universidad de Valencia
Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 E. 46010 Valencia (España).

Víctor J. Suberviola Collados

Universidad de Valencia
Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 E. 46010 Valencia (España).

Carmen Blanes Pérez

Universidad de Valencia
Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 E. 46010 Valencia (España).

Ana María Costa Alcaraz

Universidad de Valencia
Universitat de València. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30 E. 46010 Valencia (España).