«Outbreak»: A review a Ebola hemorrhagic fever


Using the movie Outbreak (1995) by Wolfgang Peterson, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever is reviewed in this article, given its strong resemblance to the fictional disease created in this film caused by the virus Motaba. A review of history, virus characteristics, viral transmission, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, mortality, treatment and prevention, are presented and are contrasted with the film. Finally, the biosafety levels for handling infectious agents are shown.
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Camacho Aguilera, J. F. (2013). «Outbreak»: A review a Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 9(2), 70–81. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/13666


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Author Biography

José Francisco Camacho Aguilera

Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Alfonso Reyes #125, El Tintero, Querétaro, Querétaro, México.