About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal ArtefaCToS is an electronic publication of the Institute of Science and Technology Studies of the University of Salamanca (ECYT-USAL). It has a biannual periodicity and is addressed to publishing scholarly papers and contributions of a multidisciplinary nature linked to Science and Technology. This type of study can range from the most traditional kind to case studies on current controversies in science and technology and may include approaches as varied as economics, sociology, communication, philosophy or history. Thus, it seeks to publish articles in the following lines of research:

  • Philosophy and History of empirical and social sciences
  • Philosophy and History of Technology
  • Scientific-Technological Culture
  • Public Communication of Science and Technology
  • Analysis of R+D+i Systems
  • Studies on Science-Technology Policy
  • Science, Technology and Gender
  • Ethics of Science
  • Sociology, Politics and Economics of Science

Peer Review Process

ArtefaCToS receives for blind peer review previously unpublished scientific articles that comply with its formal requirements and whose thematic focus falls within the areas of the journal. The articles must be sent through the register of our OJS system. The Editor reserves the right to reject any work that does not comply with the “Author guidelines”. The review provides for -at least- two specialists to evaluate the work under the double-blind review system. From there, the Editors will communicate to the author the acceptance, the conditional acceptance with corrections or the rejection of the submission, as appropriate. A maximum period of 3 months is foreseen for this process. In cases where the article remains in the review process pending corrections, the author has a period of 15 days to re-send the modified article. The editor will evaluate whether the requested corrections have been made and, if necessary, resubmit the article to the reviewers. After this period, it will be understood that the author desists from continuing with the editorial process. In case of opposing opinions on the part of the reviewers (one positive and one negative), the editors will submit the work to the final opinion of a member of the Scientific Board. Manuscripts can be sent at any time of the year and will be published by order of acceptance and according to the number of articles planned for the publication of each issue.

Publication Frequency

The journal publishes two issues a year, in April and October. These issues will be of a miscellaneous nature. It is possible that special issues, which could be monographic, will be published separately.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate, full-text access under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge fosters greater global knowledge sharing. Users can read, download, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles in this journal.

No Charges for Levied Processing Contributions or for Publication in Open Access Format (APC)

The Journal does not levy charges for processing of articles, nor for editing them or publishing them in open access format [article processing charges (APCs)]

Sections of the Journal

ARTEFACTOS, is articulated in several sections:

  • Monographic: that revolve around a monographic topic.
  • Articles: original articles.

Commitment to Research Submitted by New Authors and Authors from Developing Countries

The Journal ARTEFACTOS supports the research carried out by authors or research teams from developing countries, especially from Latin-America, whose texts are presented in scientific language, preferably in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

We are also committed to new authors from all over the world who wish to send articles written in these languages.

Permission to Self-Archive and Digital Preservation

Authors are authorized to publish on the internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal web sites) after publication (in no case prior to the review, layout or even in the phase of proof-reading); in the event of embargo, immediately after this has expired. It is also permitted in cases in which the costs of APCs (article processing charges) have been paid to the Editorial Board. These measures are designed to foster the reading and citation of contributions and to achieve greater and faster dissemination of the work published (see The Effect of Open Access)

The Journal can be accessed from the two main repositories of the University of Salamanca:

This Journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among the participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the Journal with a view to preservation and restoration.

Dissemination in Databases

The Journal is committed to the provision of XML metadata or in other specific formats, immediately after publication in «eUSAL Revistas» and before three months have elapsed in order to foster diffusion in databases (Proquest, Ebsco, Elsevier, DOAJ, CrossRef/DOI).


Original works of «Philosophy of science» research are admitted.

  • Materias BIC: PDA - Filosofía de la ciencia
  • Materias IBIC: PDA - Philosophy of science
  • Materias BISAC: SCI075000 - SCIENCE / Philosophy & Social Aspects

Language, Identification of Text Authorship


Contributions will be published in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Text Identification

The texts must always be identified with the following data:

  • Spanish: Título, resumen y palabras clave (+Enter).
  • English: Title, Abstract and Key Words (+Enter).

Publication Ethics

Artefactos, is committed to complying with and upholding international ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. We acknowledge the standards stated by the Comettee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as it relates to requirements for good practice. Likewise, this journal uses the software «Turnitin Ephorus» https://moodle2.usal.es/mod/page/view.php?id=260582

According to this code of ethics, our editors, evaluators and authors should assume the following responsibilities:

Author’s commitments

It is the responsibility of the authors to offer original works, not published, even partially, in another journal and not under any other evaluation process.

Authors should accurately describe any relevant data that relates to the results of their work.

Authors commit to mentioning all the people who have collaborated and contributed in the research and its results, in such a way that they appear in the form of co-authors or collaborators.

Plagiarism will be treated as an inadmissible act that will entail, at the least, the immediate rejection of the article. An adequate recognition of the sources used and the proper use of the citation formulas is therefore essential.

It is the obligation of the authors to indicate any conflict of interest or financial interest that could interfere with the results or interpretations of the research. Therefore, every author must commit to describing the source of funding for the project or research.

Any major error noticed after sending the article must be reported as quickly as possible so that it can be corrected.

Reviewer’s commitments

Any document sent for review will be considered confidential and cannot be discussed with third parties.

The editorial committee stands against the blocking and sequestration of authors' research. For this reason, the reviewers must comply with the deadlines for the correction of the articles.

Objections or corrections must be made in a neutral tone and duly reasoned and argued. Criticism of a personal nature is considered inappropriate.

Reviewers should refrain from reviewing any work that may be a conflict of interest.

Editors’ commitment

The editorial committee will ensure that reviewers do not, under any circumstances, attempt to have the author cite irrelevant texts from journals and / or authors for the sole purpose of fraudulently increasing the prestige of such journals and / or authors.

The editorial team will not disclose information about the authorship of the articles to reviewers or potential reviewers.

There will be no discrimination by gender, political ideology, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, institutional position or religious belief in decision making by the editorial team.

CC BY-NC-ND rights

Authors publishing in ArtefaCToS must agree to accept the following conditions:

The authors cede the publication rights to Salamanca University Press, under the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which allows third parties the possibility of distributing and exhibiting the article as long as they cite the authorship, it publication in the Journal ArtefaCToS, the specific issue, and the pages on which the information appears. Derived works for commercial purposes not authorized by the editorial Board are not permitted.

Authors may engage in other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive diffusion of the version of their article published in ArtefaCToS as long as:

  • It is clearly indicated that the work was published in the Journal ArtefaCToS, together with the specific issues and the pages on which the information quoted appears.

The information of the Journal will be transmitted to Sherpa / Romeo, Dulcinea, etc.


ARTEFACTOS, supports the "Declaration of San Francisco on evaluation of research" - DORA.

Information on the specific contribution of each of the authors to the published articles

The order of signatures/affiliation in the article should reflect the effort and contribution.

Registration funder of articles published

The funding agency(ies) external to University must be indicated, indicating the reference(s) of the project(s) in the framework of which the research that has given rise to the publication of the article has been carried out. This information should be referenced by the authors in the acknowledgements in the article. The corresponding author in charge of submitting the article to «eUSAL Revistas» must include this metadata at the time of the submit in the corresponding section.

Good editorial practices in gender equality

Good practice in gender equality requires that:

  • Articles should include, as far as possible, the use of inclusive language;
  • Authors should include full names (not just first initials), at least in the metadata.

Interoperability protocols

The OAI-PMH protocol is used with the route <https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/artefactos/oai/>

Journal History

Beginning in October 2017, ArtefaCTos is commencing its Second Stage