Importance of Scientific Dissemination of Natural Risks in Geoparks, Proposal for Las Loras Geopark (Palencia, Spain)


Scientific dissemination in the field of natural risks is conceived as the engine for society to make appropriate decisions that minimize the damage that disasters can cause, facing the future in the best way. Its implementation encourages the development of a sense of responsibility in the face of environmental problems, increasing the empowerment of society, the probability of surviving and responding to natural phenomena, the resilience of the community and the mitigation of its vulnerability. For the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of disasters, the use of the UNESCO World Geoparks as a scenario and specifically the Geopark Las Loras is proposed. This Geopark could serve as a tool for the transmission and consolidation of information on natural phenomena, the analysis of risks associated with them and to establish a relationship between the community, the territory and the geological, landscape, cultural and historical heritage that we must keep.
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