How the Web started: History and timeline of hypertext till HTML 4.0 (1990-99)
This paper attempts to review the development of the Web until 1999, the date when it is published the standard HTML 4.0. In this paper it is also explained the development of HTML standard, which is currently the primary infrastructure where the World Wide Web is built. During this time we focus on some of the most noteworthy events of this period, we collect the set of institutions that today lead the Web and we outline some of the most significant innovations and the first conflicts of interest that rise up in the paradigm of public and private players and different organizations. Finally, as an appendix we deal with technologies and associations that deserve a separate section of this retrospective and the famous «browser wars» that have had a major impact on the way that today´s companies, standards and business models are commanded.- Referencias
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BERNERS-LEE, Tim y CONNOLLy, Dan (1995): Hypertext Mark-Up Language. MIT/W3C. [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
BERNERS-LEE, Tim (2000): Weaving the Web, Harper Business.
BURKE, Peter y BRIGGS, Asa (2002): De Gutenberg a Internet: una historia social de los medios de comunicación, Galmarini, Santillana, D. L.
BUSH, Vannevar (1945): As we may think, The Atlantic Magazine. http://www. [Consultado el 22/09/2012].
CAILLIAU, Robert (1995): A Short History of the Web. Text of a speech delivered at the launching of the European branch of the W3 Consortium. http://www.netvalley. com/archives/mirrors/robert_cailliau_speech.htm [Consultado el 22/09/2012].
CAILLIAU, Robert (1997): How It Really Happened. web/computingnow/ic-cailliau/2 [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
CARR, Nicholas (2010): The Shallows: What is doing Internet to our brains?, W. W. Norton & Company.
CASTELLS, Manuel (1997): La Era de la Información. Vol. I: La Sociedad Red, Alianza.
CHESBROUGH, H. (2003b): «Open innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology», Harvard Business School Press, Harvard, MA.
CERF, Vint; KAHN, Bob y CHAPIN, Lyman (1992): Announcing the Internet Society. cing-internet-society [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
CERF, Vinton (1993): How the Internet Came to Be. mon/Internet/CerfHowInternetCame2B.html [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
COFFMAN, K. G. y ODLyZKO, A. M. (2001): Growth of the Internet. AT&T Labs-Research. [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
CONNOLLy, Dan (2000): A Little History of the World Wide Web. W3C. http://www. [Consultado el 22/09/2012].
DAVISON, Daniel B. y CHEN, Edward (1995): «A brief introduction to the internet»,
Computers & Geoscience, vol. 21, n.º 6, pp. 731-735.
ECMA INTERNATIONAL (2011): ECMAScript Language Specification. Standard ECMA-262. [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
FUNDETEC (2009): 15 Años de Internet: anécdotas, experiencias y otros enredos, Madrid, Fundetec.
GLOWNIAK, Jerry (1998): History, Structure, and Function of the Internet, W. B. Saunders Company.
GROMOV, Gregory R. (1998): History of Internet and WWW: The Roads and Crossroads of Internet History. pl?chapter=1 [Consultado el 24/09/2012].
HARDy, Henry Edward (1993): The History of the Net. Master’s Thesis, School of Communications. Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI. V. 8.5.
HAUBEN, Michael y HAUBEN, Ronda (1997): Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet, Los Alamitos.
HOWE, J. (2008): Crowdsourcing, Crown Business.
LIE, Hakon Wium y BOS, Bert (1999): Cascading Style Sheets, designing for the Web. Addison Wesley. Capítulo 20. The CSS Saga. s2e/history/ [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
MCNAMEE, Joe; FIEDLER, Kirsten; HUMEAU, Marie y MAISURADZE, Sophie (2012): How
The Internet Works: A Guide for Policy-Makers. The EDRI Papers. European Digital Rights. ks.pdf [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
MILLER, Frederic P.; VANDOME, Agnes F. y MCBREWSTER, John (ed.) (2009): Browser Wars, Alphascript Publishing.
(1996): JavaScript-Based Style Sheets «JSSS» Initial Proposal. http://www. [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
MORENO y VILLENA, Antonio (2009): HTML. Historia y características generales. http:// log/AMV_AGI_AEEMT_HTML_Historia.pdf [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
MOSCHOVITIS, Christos J.; POOLE, Hilary y SENFT, Theresa M. (1999): History of the Internet: A Chronology, 1843 to the Present, ABC-CLIO.
MOUNIER, Pierre (2002): Los dueños de la red: una historia política de internet, Editorial Popular, D.L.
NELSON, Ted (1970): No More Teacher´s Dirty Looks, Computer Decisions. RAGGETT, Dave; LAM, Jenny; ALEXANDER, Ian y KMIEC, Michael (1998): Raggett on HTML 4 Capítulo 2. Addison Wesley Longman. gett/book4/ch02.html [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
RANZ ABAD, Jesús (1997): Breve historia de Internet, Anaya Multimedia.
RODRíGUEZ, Elisabet (2006): «El HTML, una idea en evolución». [Consultado el 22/09/2012].
SHIRKy, C. (2010): Cognitive Surplus, Penguin Press HC.
SINTES MARCO, Bartolomé (2012): «Páginas web con PHP». consultar/php/lecciones/php_quees.html [Consultado el 25/09/2012].
SUROWIECKI, J. (2005): The Wisdom of Crowds, Anchor.
TAPSCOTT, D. y WILLIAMS, A. D. (2006): Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Portfolio, Penguin Group (London).
TURKLE, Sherry (1997): La Vida en la Pantalla: La Construcción de la Identidad en la Era de Internet, Editorial Paidós.
VEá BARó, Andreu (2002): La historia política de la red: internet y sus organizaciones. Tesis Doctoral. Tavb15de23.pdf?sequence=16 [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
VON HIPPEL, E. (2005): Democratizing innovation, Cambridge, MIT Press.
WEINBERGER, David (2012): Too Big To Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now the Facts aren’t the Facts, Experts are Everywhere and the Smartest Person in the Room It’s the Room, Basic Books.
ZAKON, Robert Hobbes (1993-2011): Hobbes’ Internet Timeline v2.4a. http://www. [Consultado el 18/09/2012].
Tabarés Gutiérrez, R. (2015). How the Web started: History and timeline of hypertext till HTML 4.0 (1990-99). ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 5(1), 57–82. Retrieved from
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