Study of autophagy inhibitors and epigenetic drugswithin a cellular line of prostate cancer

  • Carmen Sánchez Arroyo
    Centro de Investigación del cáncer (Salamanca) carmensa9[at]
  • Rogelio González Sarmiento
    Universidad de Salamanca


Regulation of epigenetic and autophagy has an important role in prostate cancer. On the one hand, the impact of epigenetic modifications is engaged in proliferation, distinction and tumors survival. Panobinostat is an intense pan-deacetylases inhibitor which can reverse epigenetic changes involved in tumour development. On the other hand, autophagy in starting phases inhibits tumorigenesis endowing anti-oncogenic functions. Nonetheless, in ending phases, spreads metastasis and chemotherapy tolerance. Chloroquine is an antimalarial, it has an antineoplasic effect which  is being studying due to its autophagy inhibition. The aim of this project is to assess the cytotoxic effect of Chloroquine and Panobinostat over prostate cellular line VCAP through MTT assay, and analyse the effect of drugs, covering both; concrete and synergistic, over the cellular cycle. Because of the results obtained, it is shown that both drugs cause an antitumor effect in VCAP, being important to point out Panobinostat; it has also been shown that  powerful synergetic effect is responsible of  death of most cells tumour. To conclude, it would be a good treatment in patients who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer
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Sánchez Arroyo, C., & González Sarmiento, R. (2017). Study of autophagy inhibitors and epigenetic drugswithin a cellular line of prostate cancer. FarmaJournal, 2(2), 95–105. Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

Carmen Sánchez Arroyo

Centro de Investigación del cáncer (Salamanca)
Centro de investigación del Cáncer (CIC). Laboratorio 14. Campus Miguel de Unamuno. Salamanca. Teléf: 637054833

Rogelio González Sarmiento

Universidad de Salamanca
Catedrático, Unidad de Medicina Molecular. Departamento de Medicina, Universidad de Salamanca.Laboratorio Nº 14