One metric does not tell the whole story of scientific production. I. Visibility


Introduction: There are different strategies for scientific publication that can be addressed from the perspective of visibility, contemplating the uniformity of the firm and author profiles. Method: Narrative review Results: recommendations for the implementation of the author's signature and description of each of the profiles existing in both traditional resources as altmetrics author. Conclusions: scientific researchers must know the visibility strategies described in this article in order to improve recovery of its publications, increase the impact of its production and achieve greater visibility and connection with other researchers through the author profiles.
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Author Biography

Nieves González-Fernández-Villavicencio

Universidad de Sevilla
Facultativo de bibliotecas de la Universidad de Sevilla. Directora de la Biblioteca de Economicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Sevilla. Profesora responsable del área de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). Doctora en Sociedad del Conocimiento por la Universidad de Salamanca. Máster en Historia de Europa (UPO), Especialista en Innovación Docente (UPO) y en Marketing digital (USE).